Effect of Shading on Gas Exchange of Cotton Leaves Under Conditions of Different Soil Water Contents

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoshibo
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Effect of different shading levels (no-shading, 80% shading, and 40% shading) on photosynthetic and stomatal responses in cotton leaves were investigated under conditions of different soil water contents in summer midday. All cotton leaves exhibited similar basic responses to shading, including decreased net photosynthetic rates, a tendency to decrease in transpiration rates, and increased stomatal conductance and intercellular CO2 concentration. The leaf conductance of 80% shaded and 40% shaded plants increased by 28% and 16.7% compared with no-shaded plants at high water, respectively, but the net photosynthetic rates of 80% shaded and 40% shaded plants declined by 50% and 14.73%, respectively. Results showed that combined effect of soil moisture and shading on photosynthetic and stomatal responses in cotton leaves was very remarkable. Effect of different shading levels (no-shading, 80% shading, and 40% shading) on ​​photosynthetic and stomatal responses in cotton leaves were investigated under conditions of different soil water contents in summer midday. All cotton leaves explained similar basic responses to shading, including decreased net photosynthetic rates, a tendency to decrease in transpiration rates, and increased stomatal conductance and intercellular CO2 concentration. The leaf conductance of 80% shaded and 40% shaded plants increased by 28% and 16.7% compared with no-shaded plants at high water, respectively, but the net photosynthetic rates of 80% shaded and 40% shaded plants declined by 50% and 14.73%, respectively.
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