
来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunuplee
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猕猴桃是一种藤本植物,果实营养价值很高,每百克鲜果中含有维生素C100—420毫克,比一般果实高数倍至数十倍,还含有维生素P、解朊酶和多种氨基酸。目前猕猴桃已成为国际新兴果品,引起世界各国的重视。我国虽是中华猕猴桃原产地,但发展速度很慢。为了更好地引种栽培,快速发展,除了在引种过程中采取各种措施,加强栽培管理外,还必须做好虫害的防治工作。有关猕猴桃的虫害情况未见有报道。现将我们进行的初步调查研究简述如下。 Kiwifruit is a kind of vine with high nutritional value. It contains 100-420 mg of vitamin C1 per 100 grams of fruit, which is several times to ten times higher than common fruits. It also contains vitamin P, protease and various amino acids. At present, kiwifruit has become an emerging international fruit and has drawn the attention of all countries in the world. Although China is the origin of Chinese kiwifruit, its development is slow. In order to better introduce cultivation and rapid development, in addition to take various measures in the introduction process, strengthen cultivation and management, we must also do a good job in pest control. There have been no reports of pests in kiwifruit. Now we conducted a preliminary survey of research is as follows.
This paper investigates systematically the problem of multivariate robust parameter design. First, a measurement criterion for the total variation of multivaria
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苹果轮纹病(Fhysalospora piricola Nose)又名瘤皮病或粗皮病,寄主范围广,除苹果外,尚为害梨、桃、海棠等多种果树.它在苹果上主要为害枝干和果实.被害枝干以皮孔为中心,形
玉米小斑病(Helminthos porium maydis)是一个世界性的老病害。我国著名植物病理学家俞大绂先生早在本世纪二十年代,在江苏等地就已观察到此病,并于1933年发表详细的研究报
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随着经济体制改革的深化,事业单位国有资产管理的问题日益突出,如何给事业单位合理配置国有资产、保证资产安全、提高资产的使用效率,本文就这些问题进行探讨。 With the de