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一项施工工程存在很多复杂多变的因素,如果哪个因素没有管理好都会给整个工程施工带来巨大的影响,直接关系到工程的质量,工期和工程投入的成本,影响施工企业的自身利益。为此,施工工程要有完善的管理部门,对施工工程的各个部门进行优化配置,利用现代化的管理方式,加强对施工工程的完善管理,才能为施工工程企业带来更多的经济效益和社会效益。本文从施工工程中存在的问题进行深入分析,并提出解决问题的重要管理措施,促进施工工程能够顺利完工。 There is a lot of complex and changeable factors in a construction project. If any factor is not managed, it will have a huge impact on the whole project construction, which is directly related to the quality of the project, the duration of the project and the cost of the project, affecting the self-interest of the construction enterprise. To this end, the construction project to have a sound management department, the various departments of construction projects to optimize the allocation of the use of modern management methods to enhance the management of construction projects in order to improve the construction engineering enterprises to bring more economic and social benefit. This article carries on the thorough analysis to the existing problems in the construction project, and puts forward the important management measures to solve the problems, and promotes the successful completion of the construction project.
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