
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yezhenhao
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Background: Primary cutaneous mucinous carcinoma (PCMC) is a rare malignancy with probable apocrine differentiation. It is important to differentiate it from metastatic mucinous carcinoma (MMC), especially from the breast. The histologic and immunohistochemical features overlap between PCMC and breast mucinous carcinomas. In this study, we introduce the presence of myoepithelial component in PCMC as a new morphologic parameter to distinguish it from MMC from either breast or sites elsewhere in the body. Materials and Methods: We studied 7 cases of PCMC. The possible in situ component in the tumor was assessed by the presence of a peripheral myoepithelial cell layer. Myoepithelial cell differentiation was confirmed with immunohistochemical stains for p63, CK 5/6, calponin, smooth muscle actin (SMA), HHF-35, and CD10. Estrogen and progesterone receptor (ER/PR), gross cystic disease fluid protein (GCDFP 15), CK7, CK20, and S-100 immunostains were also performed. Results: Histologically, multiple small monomorphic epithelial islands floating in multilocular pools of mucin characterized the tumor. Focally, epithelial islands were bordered by dermal connective tissue at the periphery of mucin pools. Secretory snouts were apparent in all cases providing evidence for apocrine differentiation. In 5 of the 7 cases, an in situ component was identified as epithelial islands being bounded by a myoepithelial layer, which was highlighted by p63, CK 5/6, calponin, SMA, and HHF-35. ER/PR and CK7 were positive in all the cases. GCDFP-15 and CD10 were focally positive in the tumor cells andmyoepithelial cells, respectively. All 7 cases were negative for S-100 and CK 20. Conclusion: We conclude that an in situ component is frequently present in PCMC (5/7) and may help in distinguishing this entity fromMMC, especially of breast origin. Furthermore, it may provide insight into the pathogenetic mechanism of mucinous carcinoma evolving from in situ carcinoma with luminal mucinous distention to cellular tumor with a little surrounding mucin. Background: Primary cutaneous mucinous carcinoma (PCMC) is a rare malignancy with probable apocrine differentiation. It is important to differentiate it from metastatic mucinous carcinoma (MMC), especially from the breast. The histologic and immunohistochemical features overlap between PCMC and breast mucinous carcinomas. In this study, we introduce the presence of myoepithelial component in PCMC as a new morphologic parameter to distinguish it from MMC from either breast or sites elsewhere in the body. Materials and Methods: We studied 7 cases of PCMC. The possible in situ component in the tumor was assessed by the presence of a peripheral myoepithelial cell layer. Myoepithelial cell differentiation was confirmed with immunohistochemical stains for p63, CK 5/6, calponin, smooth muscle actin (SMA), HHF-35, and CD10. Estrogen and progesterone receptor (ER / PR), gross cystic disease fluid protein (GCDFP 15), CK7, CK20, and S-100 immunostains were also performed. Results: Histologically, m Focally, epithelial islands were bordered by dermal connective tissue at the periphery of mucin pools. Secretory snouts were apparent in all cases providing evidence for apocrine differentiation. In 5 of the 7 Cases, an in situ component was identified as epithelial islands being bounded by a myoepithelial layer, which was highlighted by p63, CK 5/6, calponin, SMA, and HHF-35. ER / PR and CK7 were positive in all the cases. GCDFP-15 and CD10 were focally positive in the tumor cells and myoepithelial cells, respectively. All 7 cases were negative for S-100 and CK 20. Conclusion: We conclude that an in situ component is frequently present in PCMC (5/7) and may help in distinguishing this entity fromMCMC, especially of breast origin. It, may may insight into the pathogenetic mechanism of mucinous carcinoma evolving from in situ carcinoma with luminal mucinous distention to cellular tumor with a little surrounding mucin.
Background: Various reports have recently shown the efficacy of narrowband ul traviolet (UV) B phototherapy at 311 nm in the treatment of early stage mycosis fu
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