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应用文写作在现代社会越来越显示出它的重要性,本文针对现阶段部分高职院校和部分学生对应用文写作边缘化和不够重视的态度,从应用文写作的重要性,如何启动学生写作内在动力,运用有效的学习方法进行学习,运用多种措施全方位提升课堂教学效果,建立科学的评价考核体系等几个方面,对现有的应用文教学提出意见和建议,希望使高职院校应用文教学效果得到进一步提升。 Applied Writing has shown its importance in the modern society more and more. In this paper, some vocational colleges and some students at this stage on the marginalization and lack of emphasis on the application of writing attitude, from the importance of the application of writing how to start the inner writing students Motivation, the use of effective learning methods to learn, the use of a variety of measures to enhance the effectiveness of classroom teaching in all directions, the establishment of a scientific evaluation assessment system and other aspects of the existing application of teaching to put forward opinions and suggestions, hoping to make the application of higher vocational colleges Teaching effectiveness has been further improved.
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