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2013年底,隆德县完成全县122个村(居)计划生育基层群众自治全覆盖,有12个村(居)获得全国人口和计划生育基层群众自治示范村(居)称号。隆德县获得全国婚育文明示范县、全国计划生育协会先进单位、全国计划生育优质服务先进单位称号。2014年6月,隆德县被中国计划生育协会确定为全国首批32个计划生育基层群众自治项目示范县之一,是宁夏唯一的示范县。近年来,隆德县在开展计划生育基层群众自治工 By the end of 2013, Lund County completed the complete coverage of the grassroots self-governance of family planning in 122 villages (districts) in the county, and 12 villages (autonomous regions) have won the title of “Model Villagers of Grassroots Autonomous Communities for Population and Family Planning” in the whole country. Lund County won the national civilized and civilized demonstration counties, the National Planned Parenthood Association advanced unit, the national advanced unit of family planning quality service title. In June 2014, Lund County was identified by the China Family Planning Association as one of the first demonstration counties of 32 primary-level mass self-governance projects in the country and the only demonstration county in Ningxia. In recent years, Lund County is carrying out family planning work for grassroots self-government
An all-solid-state ultraviolet laser based on frequency doubling in an external ring cavity with low input pump power is reported. Both second harmonic generati
年龄是生命的刻度,生命是多维度的,人也便有了多种年龄。 人们的生理年龄随着时间的消逝均等地增长着,不管你如何善于保养,也无论你怎样懂得生活,在生理年龄的增长面前,任何
一、导轨结构以英国Charles Churchill制造厂设计的具有浮动支承的闭式液体静压导轨为例子(如图1所示),来分析其结构特点。[参考资料2]。在不动的床身1上有主支承导轨面2和
凸轮轴是发动机中很重要的另件,根据发动机性能和经济性的要求其选材和热处理的种类颇多。今分述如下: Camshaft is an important part of the engine, according to the r