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曾几何时,七月风云一度压得寒窗学子喘不过气来。家长的期盼、老师的嘱托、社会的关注——风华少年可曾担当得起这“生命中不能承受之轻”? (米兰·昆德拉语)兴许是依稀可闻的新世纪的钟声警醒了浮躁多年的灵魂——寒冷的冬日里忽然吹来了一股暖意,慢慢融化书香氤氲下的寒窗积雪——高考改革的春天来了!先是教育部副部长周远清撰文透露高考改革的动向,为新千年高校拓宽择才渠道埋下伏笔。接下来是刚闭幕的千年高招会传来好消息:明年高考18省市区推行 Once upon a time, in July the storm once depressed students to breathe. Parents hope, teacher's exhortations, social concerns - the young boy can afford this “can not afford the light of life”? (Milan Kundera) may be vaguely heard of the new century Bells awakened impetuous soul for many years - the cold winter suddenly blowing an warmth, slowly melting scholarly window snow - the spring of college entrance examination reform! First, Vice Minister of Education Zhou Yuanqing author said The trend of college entrance examination reform laid a foundation for the new millenary college to broaden the channel of choice. Next came the good news from the golden trick that just ended: next year college entrance examination will be implemented in 18 provinces and municipalities
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强化提高建筑质量不仅是政府的职能,而且也 是甲乙双方的共同心愿和双方力求要达到的目标。 为达到此目标,在政府职能部门加强考核检查的同 时,甲乙双方都应树立齐抓共管、联合
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我国建成首座太阳能建筑系统样板房 我国首座太阳能建筑系统样板房在常州天合铝板幕墙制造有限公司研制成功。该样板房使用面积90m2,整个系统由太阳能和节能材料经结构优化系统合
“I hear,I forget.I see,I remember.I do,I understand.”在美利坚合众国首府华盛顿儿童博物馆的墙上,悬挂着这么一幅醒目的格言。每天来参观的人络绎不绝,人们都能从这简
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