A Multiple Approach, An Integrated Platform

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  Guangdong Province is one of the earliest and major provinces in China featuring a strong exportoriented economy. The province now still holds a leading position in terms of China’s export volume, and it also has been developing a multiple approach to create integrated trade platforms for Guangdong companies and even for companies in other parts of China. Recently, Overseas Exhibitions interviewed Chen Qiuyan, Chairman of CCPIT Guangdong Provincial Committee.
  Since 2012, holding fast to the aim of going out and serving Guangdong enterprises, CCPIT Guangdong, as an authoritative international organization, has introduced over 200 overseas exhibitions, generating a total turnover of about 2.1 billion dollars. CCPIT Guangdong has also organized about 50 Chinese commodity fairs abroad. In total, over 2,300 companies participated in over 135 trade fairs in more than 10 countries and regions, with a total turnover of 2 billion dollars.
  On the other hand,in accordance with its global development goal,CCPIT Guangdong has set up overseas chambers of commerce, economic and trade representative offices, bi-lateral entrepreneurs councils to improve the trade promotion efficiency of Guangdong enterprises. It has also assisted in setting up Chinese commodity wholesale centers in Russia, the Netherlands,UAE and other countries. In the following years, CCPIT Guangdong will also assist companies from the electronic goods, hotels products and daily products industries in exploring emerging markets like Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and Tanzania.

  In recent years, a dozen of overseas Chinese commodity fair projects stood out among their own kind. One of these is China Products Mumbai (India) Exhibition. As the oldest exhibition hosted by CCPIT Guangdong, the exhibition successfully concluded its eleventh session in November 2013, with an exhibition space of 10,000 square meters and a turnover of over 100 million dollars. The exhibition now is the biggest exhibition organized by Chinese governmental organizations and enjoys high popularity in local region.
  Chen contributes the success of the Mumbai Exhibition to four factors. First, adequate pre-exhibition research, testifying and preparation. Second, strong exhibition promotion and trade visitor invitation. Third, full respect for partners and maximizing the benefits of partners for the single aim of building a brand exhibition. Fourth, providing comprehensive services for exhibitors, including applying for government export subsidies for the participants.
  Chen expresses that in the future, CCPIT Guangdong will enhance the cooperation with local trade promoting organizations for the making of successful exhibitions. He points out that it is also important to target at emerging exhibitions and to focus on establishing singlesector exhibitions rather than expanding the scale of the existing ones. Last but not least, concerning the future of overseas Chinese trade centers and wholesale centers, Chen states that trade centers with the single-function of trade will provide only limited profit space, and suggests that the comprehensive functions like tourism, exhibition, culture displaying, catering, and entertainment be integrated into these centers; and that trade fairs, seminars, business negotiation fairs would be effective companions in promoting trade between Chinese and foreign companies, as well as in displaying Chinese culture on the international stage.

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