
来源 :科技经济导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:didierda
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目的:研究管氏“通腑活血法”思想研究方证配伍特色。方法:现代统计学的分析方法。结果:发现其创新了诸多的用药特色,且主要通过泻下和化痰宣降肺气的药物通腑气,消食化积和活血化瘀行气的药物来行气活血以治疗危重症患者。结论:对于现今中医的脏腑实证以及临床上心肺功能衰竭、肾功能衰竭等危重病人患者,都具有理论性的指导意义和科学性的临床依据。 Objective: To study the features of compatibility of prescriptions of Guan’s “Tongfu Huoxue Therapy”. Methods: Modern statistical analysis. Results: It was found that it innovated a lot of medication characteristics and mainly used qi and blood circulation to treat critically ill patients mainly through drugs such as purging and expectoration of lungs, purging gas and eliminating digestion and promoting blood circulation and removing stasis. Conclusion: For the present TCM evidence of viscera as well as clinical cardiopulmonary failure, renal failure and other critically ill patients, have a theoretical guiding significance and scientific clinical basis.
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