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月经紊乱是女性妇产科的一个常见问题,要了解为什么会出现月经紊乱,首先要从正常的月经周期说起。子宫内膜周期性改变月经是女性性成熟的一个标志,每个月,子宫都在为怀孕做着准备工作。子宫内膜有一个功能层,每个月在卵巢的雌激素的影响下开始生长,到了月经中期长到一定的厚度,为可能的受精卵在子宫上的种植作好准备。在月经后半期,进入所谓的黄体期,卵巢分泌孕激素,支持可能的受精卵的发育,如果没有胚胎在子宫内种植,那么准备好的子宫内膜就开始脱落伴随出血,形成月经。排卵是个分界点子宫内膜的周期性改变,如上所述,是受卵巢分泌的激素调节的。卵巢在排卵前,以分泌雌激素为主,雌激素支持着子宫内膜的生长,在排卵后,形成一个黄体,黄体分泌孕激素。 Menstrual disorders is a common problem in women and the obstetrics and gynecology, to understand why there will be menstrual disorders, the first to start with the normal menstrual cycle. Periodic changes in the endometrium Menstruation is a sign of sexual maturity in women. Every month, the uterus is preparing for pregnancy. Endometrium has a functional layer, each month in the ovarian estrogen began to grow under the influence of the mid-menstrual period to a certain thickness, for the preparation of fertilized eggs on the uterus. In the second half of menstruation, into the so-called luteal phase, ovarian progesterone secretion, support the development of possible fertilized eggs, if no embryo in the uterus, then the preparation of the endometrium began to fall off with bleeding, the formation of menstruation. Ovulation is a cut-off point of cyclical changes in the endometrium, as mentioned above, is regulated by ovarian hormone secretion. Ovary before ovulation, to secrete estrogen-based, estrogen supports the growth of the endometrium, after ovulation, the formation of a corpus luteum, progesterone secretion.
视同销售业务如何进行会计处理,是会计理论和实务中不可忽视的一个重要问题.目前,会计界对此仍是见仁见智,看法各异,本文就此谈点愚见. 根据《增值税暂行条例》,视同销售货
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THE response of a compliant coating to pressure fluctuations is known to modify the skin friction in a turbulent boundary layer. It was found that the addition
以色列是一个传奇的国家,古代文明在欧、亚、非三大洲交汇之处照亮人类历史,然而三次大灾难使整个民族被连根拔起抛向四方,从被杀伐到迫着离开故土的那一刻,重回耶路撒冷就成为了犹太人世代传承的梦想……本篇与大家分享的不仅是壮美的自然风光,更是一个厚重历史的现实依托。  当真正来到这里时,你会惊奇地发现一个完全不一样的以色列。这里绝不是一个只有纷争的国家,真实世界中的以色列人民勤劳,有礼貌,充满信仰,过着丰
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在文人墨客的词赋中,烟雨江南似乎总是一位笼着薄纱、惹人怜爱的少女。在这江南水乡之中,浙江省德清县的古镇新市算是个低调的漂亮姑娘。  在新市,行走的每一步都怕惊扰了沉睡中的古镇。石桥石路叙说着千年历史,白墙灰瓦浸透着古时的韵味。阳光下,河里闪着斑驳的光,古镇居民搬把椅子坐在外头,摇着蒲扇呷着茶;下雨天,洒几丝雨露,就更添几分魂牵梦萦。雨滴落在青石板上,唱着轻快的歌,落入河水中,便晕开一幅朦胧水墨画。
旬邑县1994年正式启动的德援造林项目,历经5年的精心组织和认真实施,现已全面完成了计划任务。共计造林3244.7公顷,在省项目办的评比中,名列前茅,受到表彰奖励。 德援项目在