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1.历史源远流长,文化景点众多古城是我国悠久历史和灿烂文化的重要承载者。大多数古城由于地理位置偏远,经济发展起步比较晚,所以较完整地保留和传承了某一时代或几个时期的历史风貌、民族地方特色与传统城市格局。无论是凤凰古城或是大理古城,它们各具特色的文化,带给现代人的不仅仅是另一个时代的缩影,更是一个地方时代文化的烙印。古城历史、文化、民族风情等文化旅游资源比较丰富,以“旅游依靠文化加深内涵、文化依托旅游加快发展”的发展思路,纷纷加大文化旅游基础设施建设,努力开发新的文 1. History goes back to ancient times, a large number of cultural attractions Ancient City is China’s long history and splendid culture, an important bearer. Most ancient cities, due to their remote location and relatively slow economic development, have preserved and inherited the historical features, national features and traditional city patterns of a certain period or periods more completely. Whether it is the ancient city of Phoenix or the ancient city of Dali, they have their own unique culture, bringing to the present not only the epitome of another era, but also the imprint of the culture of a local era. The ancient city has rich cultural tourism resources, such as history, culture and national customs. With the development idea of ​​“deepen the connotation of tourism by relying on culture and accelerate the development of culture by relying on tourism,” we will step up the construction of cultural tourism infrastructure and strive to develop new essays
Experiencing an acute coronary syndrome(ACS)may provoke a range of negative emotional responses, including acute distress and fear of dying. The frequency of th
通过对水化热、干缩率与强度的关系以及水泥SO_3、Mg O对干缩率的影响的研究,制定科学的生料配料方案,采用有异于其他水泥熟料的烧成工艺,生产出高强度、低水化热、低干缩率
译林版三年级《英语》今年刚刚开始投入使用,拿到新书翻开目录,Project字样跳入眼帘,心中很是好奇,这是旧教材所没有的,同时发现Review and check这一单元没有了。笔者想这应
对1993年至今我国民营图书馆的研究进行统计分析。对其研究主题、核心作者及研究方向、研究内容等展开分析,指出研究的现状并分析其不足之处。 From 1993 to now, our count