
来源 :当代广西 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjichao
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回顾和总结改革开放30年以来广西对外开放合作,发展的历程和经验告诉我们,广西的对外开放格局始终是与区域经济发展战略紧密相联、相互渗透、相互提升的。在新的发展背景下,自治区党委政府提出以加快西江黄金水道建设、打造西江经济带为核心内容的西江战略,这一战略的 Recalling and summarizing the course and experience of Guangxi’s opening up and opening up cooperation since the 30 years of reform and opening up, the history and experience of development tell us that the pattern of Guangxi’s opening to the outside world has always been closely linked to and permeated with each other and promoted each other’s economic development strategy. Under the new development background, the party committee and government of the autonomous region put forward the strategy of Xijiang River that takes the construction of the Xijiang golden waterway and the construction of the Xijiang economic belt as its core content
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