
来源 :水利水电技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hunterring1
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查龙水电站位于西藏那曲地区怒江流域上游那曲河上,海拔约4400m,装机容量1.08万kw,年发电量4363万kw·h,总库容1.38亿m’.该工程由北京勘测设计研究院设计,武警水电部队承担建设和施工任务.主要建筑物包括钢筋混凝土面板堆石坝,坝后弓体厂房,开敞式溢洪道和开关站等 Located in the upper reaches of the Nujiang River in Nagqu, Tibet, Chalong Hydropower Station is about 4400m above sea level with an installed capacity of 10,800 kw and an annual generating capacity of 43.63 million kw · h with a total storage capacity of 138 million m ’. The project was designed by Beijing Survey, Design and Research Institute and armed police hydropower units undertook the construction and construction tasks. The main buildings include the concrete-faced rockfill dam, the arch dam plant, the open spillway and switchyard
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针对水利水电企业现行质量管理现状和特点,系统地分析和论述了实施 ISO 9000存在的问题、难点以及解决这些问题、难点所采取的对策,并对水利水电企业实施 ISO 9000应纳入水利