充分发挥县委关键作用 努力提高农村党建水平

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一、摸清底数,深化认识,引导县委思想到位。前年,市委组织力量对农村基层党组织建设的状况进行了一次全面详实的调查研究,继而下发《关于县(市)区委抓农村基层党组织建设的暂行规定》。为切实把县市区委和书记发挥关键作用、履行“第一责任人”职责的思想认识引导到位,我们从学习四中全会文件、贯彻省委四届八次全会精神入手,安排部署农村党建工作,进行广泛的思想发动;举办县市区委书记学习培训班,聘请有关领导和专家讲解四中全会《决定》,帮助领会精神;组织县市区委班子成员开展学习研讨活动,交流心得,查摆发挥“关键”作用、履行第一职责不够的问题和危害。通过这些工作,使县市区委和书记的思想认识出现三个明显转变:从视为额外负担转为当作自身职责;从依靠有关领导、职能部门转到率先垂范亲自抓;从偏重经济工作转为两手同抓、两手都硬。二、分层调度,强化督导,帮促县委工作到位。我们围绕全市农村基层党组织建设三年规划和当年计划的落实,对县市区委实施“三级调度,四个指导”。三级调度是:市委半年听取一次县市区委书记的情况汇报,研究提出下一步的 First, find out the base, deepen understanding, guide the idea of ​​the county seat. Two years ago, the municipal Party committee organized a comprehensive and detailed investigation of the status of the rural grass-roots party organizations and issued the Provisional Regulations on Counties (Cities) Committees Grasping the Construction of Rural Grass-roots Party Organizations. In order to effectively guide the county and city party committees and secretaries to play a key role in fulfilling the ideological understanding of “the first responsible person” and their duties, we started with studying the documents of the Fourth Plenary Session and implementing the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee, Party construction work in rural areas, a wide range of ideas to start; county party secretary held a training course, hired the leaders and experts to explain the “Plenary Session” decision “to help understand the spirit; organize county and district team members to carry out study and discussion activities, exchange Experience, check and play ”key“ role, to fulfill the first responsibility is not enough problems and hazards. Through these efforts, three obvious changes have taken place in the ideological understanding of county party committees and secretaries: shifting from being regarded as extra burden as their own responsibility; shifting from reliance on relevant leaders and functional departments to taking the lead in setting examples; and from shifting emphasis on economic work Transfer to both hands with both hands are hard. Second, the hierarchical scheduling, strengthen supervision, to help promote county work in place. We focus on the city’s rural grass-roots party organizations to build three-year plan and the implementation of the plan that year, the implementation of the ”three-level scheduling, four guidance ". Three-level scheduling is: municipal Party committee six months to listen to a report of the county party committee secretary, the study proposed the next step
摘 要:阅读理解是高考的重点内容,同时,阅读能力也是学生应用英语能力的体现。虽然高中英语课堂教学中历来重视对阅读能力的培养,但因缺乏专业的训练,加之学生对阅读理解认知的偏差等原因影响,阅读效率始终不高。本文就从单词记忆方法谈起、对猜词技巧和抓文本关键等方面进行研究,以期能通过总结探索来提高阅读课教学的效率,促进学生阅读能力的提高。  关键词:高中英语 阅读 速度、猜词 问题 实践量   阅读教学
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