Let’s Go To Malaysia

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  Populated by Malays, Chinese, Indians and other groups, Malaysia is rich in festivals and wonderful foods. There’s great natural beauty to take in too, including beautiful beaches and some of the world’s oldest rainforest, much of which is surprisingly accessible. Malaysia’s national parks are the best for wildlife-watching.
  Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur (usually referred to as KL), is trying to better itself, a fact shown in the continuous usage of air-conditioners in shopping malls and restaurants. Just a couple of hours’ drive south of the capital lies the birthplace of Malay civilization, Melaka. Its historical buildings make it a must on anybody’s plan. Much further up the west coast, the island of Penang was the place that British settled in Malaysia. Its capital, Georgetown, still has beautiful old buildings. For a taste of Old England, head for the hill stations of Fraser’s Hill and the Cameron Highlands. There are lots of opportunities for walks and bird-watching. Going further north, the best tourist place is Pulau Langkawi, an island with international-style hotels and picture-postcard beaches.
  Across the sea from the Peninsula lie the east Malaysian states of Sarawak and Sabah. For most travellers, their first taste of Sarawak comes at Kuching, the old colonial capital, and then the Iban longhouses of the Batang Ai river system. Sibu, much further north on the Rajang River, is the starting point for trips to less traveled Iban, Kayan and Kenyah longhouses.
  accessible adj. 可进入的
  civilization n. 文明
  colonial adj. 殖民的
  (Do you want to go to Malaysia? Why?)
  Iris 改编
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