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今年是《中华武术》杂志创刊25周年。上个世纪80年代初,电影《少林寺》掀起了全国乃至全世界的武术热潮,众多武术杂志也在那段时间应运而生。信息爆炸,传统媒体在一波波的冲击中,竞争越来越激烈。报纸的种类和数量越来越多,期刊更是进入“军阀混战”的局面。据说如今的期刊,每年停刊500家,新创、改版的也是500家,期刊和办刊人一拨一拨的沉浮。但是25年来,无论环境如何,《中华武术》始终在中国社会生活文化的变迁中见证和记录着武术事业的发展。一期期杂志、一篇篇文章,一批批高素质的记者编辑;太极拳名家讲堂、传统拳演武大会……一系列以服务读者为宗旨而又颇具创意的活动。《中华武术》年轻活力的团队,每次前进都在同类期刊界标新立异……8月,《中华式术》将在古城开封举行第二届太极拳名家讲堂;《中华武术》传统举演武大会也在酝酿中……但我们还是想在美丽的红五月里为支持我们的读者做点儿什么。5月18~21日.《中华武术》杂志武迷俱乐部联谊活动在北京延庆举行。没有过多的宣传,没有大张旗鼓的广告,我们只是想用这次活动回馈多年来一直默默支持和关爱我们的读者,回馈杂志武迷俱乐部的成员,想给读者与读者之间、我们与读者之间提供一个交流的平台。所以与其说这是一次读者交流研讨联谊活动,不如说它是《中华武术》杂志的家庭聚会更恰当些。 This year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of “Chinese Wushu” magazine. In the early 1980s, the film “Shaolin Temple” set off a wave of martial arts all over the country and the world. Many martial arts magazines also came into being at that time. Information explosion, the traditional media in a wave of impact, more and more intense competition. More and more types of newspapers and journals are entering the “warlord ” situation. It is said that today’s periodicals are suspended 500 times a year, with 500 new ones and 500 new ones. The periodicals and runners have been discouraged. However, for 25 years, regardless of the environment, “Chinese Wushu” has always witnessed and documented the development of the cause of martial arts in the changes of Chinese social life and culture. A periodical magazine, an article, a batch batch of high-quality reporter editors; tai chi master lecture hall, the traditional martial arts martial arts Wu ...... a series of service readers for the purpose of creative and innovative activities. “Chinese Wushu” young and energetic team, each march in the same periodical landmark new ... August, “Chinese-style surgery” will be held in Kaifeng, the ancient city of the second session of Taijiquan famous lecture hall; “Chinese Wushu” Brewing ... but we still want to do something to support our readers in the beautiful Red May. May 18 ~ 21. Wushu club “Chinese Wushu” magazine recreational activities held in Beijing Yanqing. Without excessive publicity and no fanfare, we just want to use this event to give back our readers, who have been silently supporting and loving us for many years, giving back to the members of the magazine’s fan club and trying to give readers and readers, Provide a communication platform. So this is not so much a reader exchange seminar networking activities, as it is more than “Chinese Wushu” magazine family reunion more appropriate.
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