
来源 :中国烟草 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cw5188
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山东烟区烟草上发生一种通常称为“菊花顶”的病害,病株矮缩,极易引起人们的注意。早在1953年,在益都、临朐一带即有发现,多为零星发生。从五十年代初期,直到七十年代,很长时期未造成流行,在烟草生产上从未构成威胁,当时对这一病害的病原不明,因其少量发生,未能引起生产者的注意。近年来,这一病害开始逐渐扩展蔓延,病情也与年俱增,山东烟区的诸城、安邱、益都、昌乐、临胸、胶南、滕县、淄博等县(市)均有发生,特别是诸城县较为严重,重病田发病率达17.5—34.8%,使烟草遭受一定程度的损失,这一病害的空前严重发生,已经引起了有关部门的注意,并向科研部门提出要尽快研究 Tobacco in Shandong Province, a disease commonly occurs on tobacco known as “chrysanthemum top”, dwarf disease plant, can easily attract people’s attention. As early as 1953, it was discovered in the areas of Yidu and Linqu and sporadic. From the early 1950s until the seventies, a long period was not prevalent and never posed a threat to tobacco production. At that time, the pathogen of the disease was unknown, and because of its small quantity, it failed to attract producers’ attention. In recent years, the disease began to spread gradually, and its condition also increased year by year. All of the counties (cities) in Shandong Tobacco Zone such as Zhucheng, Anqiu, Yidu, Changle, Linxiong, Jiaonan, Tengxian and Zibo , Especially in Zhucheng County. The incidence rate of severe diseases reached 17.5-34.8%, causing tobacco to suffer a certain degree of loss. The unprecedented serious occurrence of this disease has attracted the attention of relevant departments and proposed to the scientific research departments to study as soon as possible
理化性质纯品为白至褐色粉末.工业品为深琥珀色粘状液体.比重d~(25)1.085-1.115,不溶于水,可溶于丙酮、苯、乙醇和甲醇等有机溶剂,蒸气压低,稳定性较好. 毒性克螨特30%可湿
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急诊科是医院应急抢救各科危重病人的场所 ,急诊、急救医疗服务质量的好坏 ,直接体现医院综合水平和文明程度。急救水平的高低直接关系到病人的安危、生死。所以 ,加强急诊、