
来源 :工程力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oi597986123
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该文设计了一种质量和结构阻尼比可调的底部弹性支撑刚性体的双向摆式气弹模型,并通过气弹模型风洞试验获得模型顶部加速度响应时程。运用改进的随机减量技术,识别了湍流场中强风下方截面高层建筑横风向气动阻尼比。分析了风场类别、结构阻尼比、均匀当量质量以及模型高宽比对横风向气动阻尼比随折算风速变化规律的影响。最后提出了横风向气动阻尼比的经验公式,并将引入气动阻尼比后的横风向响应计算值与气弹模型风洞试验测量值比较,证明了该气动阻尼比经验公式的正确性和实用性。 In this paper, a two-way pendulum aeroelastic model with a mass and a structural damping ratio adjustable bottom elastic support rigid body is designed. The acceleration response time history of the top of the model is obtained by aeroelastic model wind tunnel test. By using the improved random decrement technique, the aerodynamic damping ratio of the cross-section high-rise buildings in the turbulent flow field under the strong wind is identified. The effects of wind farm type, structural damping ratio, uniform equivalent weight and the aspect ratio of the model on the variation of aerodynamic damping ratio with the wind speed in the crosswind direction are analyzed. Finally, the empirical formula of the cross-wind aerodynamic damping ratio is put forward, and the calculated value of cross-wind response after the introduction of the aerodynamic damping ratio is compared with that of the aeroelastic model wind tunnel test, which proves the correctness and practicability of the empirical formula of the aerodynamic damping ratio .
江苏省阜宁县益林供销社通过深化企业内部改革,完善抵押承包责任制,八八年创历史最好水平——第一次突破了国内纯销售超两千万元的大关,受到了上级主管部门的表扬。 Suining
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古人云:时势造英雄。改革,为一大批能人贤士造就了大显身手、一展艳负的舞台。——采访手记1 去年三月,改革的春风终于吹进苏州染织一厂的一幢老式平房里。厂长刘应,此刻坐