Effects of CaO and Na_2CO_3 on the Reduction of High Silicon Iron Ores

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:farmeress
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The effects of CaO and Na_2CO_3 on the reduction of high silicon iron ores at 1 250 ℃ were studied. The experimental results showed that the metallization rate was significantly hindered by the addition of CaO and Na_2CO_3, particularly at the early stage of roasting, compared to the rate without additives. In the absence of additives, iron oxides were quickly reduced to metallic iron, and fayalite was difficult to form. When CaO and Na_2CO_3 were added, the low reducible iron-containing silicate compounds formed and melted, subsequently retarding the metallization process. The inhibition of Na_2CO_3 was more noticeable than that of CaO, and higher Na_2CO_3 doses resulted in stronger inhibition of the increased metallization rate. However, when Na_2CO_3 was added prior to CaO, the liquid phase formed, which facilitated the growth of the metallic phase. To reinforce the separation of the metallic phase and slag, an appropriate amount of liquid phase generated during the reduction is necessary. It was shown that when 10% CaO and 10% Na_2CO_3 were added, a high metallization rate and larger metallic iron particles were obtained, thus further decreasing the required Na_2CO_3 dosage. The effects of CaO and Na_2CO_3 on the reduction of high silicon iron ores at 1 250 ℃ were studied. The experimental results showed that the metallization rate was significantly hindered by the addition of CaO and Na_2CO_3, particularly at the early stage of roasting, compared to the rate without additives. In the absence of additives, iron oxides were quickly reduced to metallic iron, and fayalite was difficult to form. When CaO and Na_2CO_3 were added, the low reducible iron-containing silicate compounds formed and melted, succeeding retarding the metallization process. The inhibition of Na_2CO_3 was more noticeable than that of CaO, and higher Na_2CO_3 was added to stronger inhibition of the increased metallization rate. However, when Na_2CO_3 was added prior to CaO, the liquid phase formed, which facilitated the growth of the metallic To reinforce the separation of the metallic phase and slag, an appropriate amount of liquid phase generated during the reduction is n It was shown that when 10% CaO and 10% Na_2CO_3 were added, a high metallization rate and larger metallic iron particles were obtained, thus reducing the required Na_2CO_3 dosage.
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