制米工业排头兵 接力赛中的姣姣者——孙悦声

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孙悦声同志是林口县刁翎人,1955年生。1974年毕业于刁翎中学,1975年参军,在部队入党,三年后退伍,返回母校任教。1978年考入黑龙江省粮食学校,1981年毕业分配到牡丹江市第一粮库工作,先后担任过检质员、保管员、保管股长、财务股长、副主任。 他是一位年富力强,德才兼备,求实进取,勇于开拓的人。1984年库厂合一,仍担任副职,1993年老主任、老厂长相继离退休,被选为粮库主任暨厂长、党委书记。现为法人代表。 在孙悦声接班时,正处于经济体制改革,粮食经营体制的变革,刚刚进入市场经济浪潮中,不少地方弃工经商,纷纷卷入经商热潮之中,而有卓识远见的班长,领导大家坐下来学习,分析形势,得出结论:粮食是国计民生中“宝中之宝”,国营粮食企业在经济中应发挥主渠道作用,尽管当前遇见许多问题,处于危难之中,这仅仅是黎明前的黑暗,曙光即将出现,我们一是要在党的领导下,坚持一个中心,两个基本点不动摇,从实际出发,搞好改革,三资企业能办好,乡镇企业能办好,个体企业能办好,我们有雄厚的技术力量,良好的技术设备和完善的配套设施以及丰富的资源优势,为什么就打败仗呢?事在人为,业在人创,路在人走,关键还是在于人。我们不能把老一代革命家艰苦奋斗,前赴后继创造的业绩,葬送在我们这一代手里。只要我们坚定信心,? Comrade Sun Yue Sheng Diao Lingling Linkou County, born in 1955. He graduated from Diao Ling High School in 1974 and joined the army in 1975. After the army joined the party, he returned to his alma mater to serve in the army after he returned to school in three years. He was admitted to Heilongjiang Foodstuffs School in 1978 and graduated from 1981 to the first grain depot in Mudanjiang City. He served successively as a quality examiner, custodian, custodian, finance chief and deputy director. He is a young man with both ability and political integrity, moral integrity, truth-seeking spirit and courage to open up. In 1984, the factory was still a deputy. In 1993, the old director and the old factory director resigned one after another, and was elected as director of the grain depot and director of the factory and party secretary. Now legal representative. At the time of succession, Sun Yuezheng was in the process of economic reform and the reform of the grain management system. Just entering the wave of market economy, quite a few places abandoned their businesses and got involved in the boom of business. However, the leader who had foresight and vision left us to sit down Study and analyze the situation, come to the conclusion that grain is the treasure of the people in the national economy and people’s livelihood. State-owned grain enterprises should play a major role in the economy. Although many problems are currently encountered and are in danger, this is only the darkness before dawn , The dawn is about to emerge. First, we must uphold one central task under the leadership of the party and unshakable two basic points. From a practical standpoint, we should do a good job in reforms. Foreign-funded enterprises can do well, and township and village enterprises can do well. Individual enterprises can Well done, we have a strong technical force, good technical equipment and perfect facilities and rich resources, why defeat it? In the human, industry in the human record, the way people go, the key lies in people. We can not persevere the hard-working older generation of revolutionaries and go on to create the achievements they have succeeded in creating, and they are handed over to the hands of our generation. As long as we are confident,?
中国的合作治理有广阔的发展空间,政府、N PO与市场三方合作成为可能的模式,"免费午餐"公益项目是三方合作的有益尝试。通过对"免费午餐"个案的研究发现,合作治理的逻辑在合
功能状态良好的小细胞肺癌 (SCLC)的治疗目标是提高生存率。英国医学研究委员会肺癌工作组对粒细胞集落刺激因子 (G CSF)支持下大剂量化疗治疗SCLC的效果进行了多中心随机研究。病人和方
结肠直肠癌肝转移的中位值生存期不超过 12个月 ,但手术切除的 5年生存率可达 2 5%~ 50 % ,手术死亡率为 5% ,其中肿瘤侵及肝静脉腔静脉会合处或下腔静脉被认为是手术禁忌证。