Investigation on film cooling characteristics from a row of converging slot-holes on flat plate

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winningking
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Experimental and numerical researches were conducted to investigate the cooling performance of a single row of consoles (converging slot-hole) on a large-scale flat-plate model. The results show that the coolant flow from a row of consoles shows good lateral uniformity of adiabatic effectiveness, with regions of slightly enhanced cooling occurring between the consoles. For the console cooling geometry, the interaction between coolant jet from inclined console and the mainstream flow results in reasonable vortices configuration. A pair of counter rotating vortices originate from the edge of slot, not from the centerline of film holes and the rotating direction is contrary to conventional cylindrical hole. The heat transfer coefficient ratio is a little bigger for the console case than conventional cylindrical hole, and the discharge coefficient for a console is larger than that for cylindrical film cooling hole. Experimental and numerical researches were conducted to investigate the cooling performance of a single row of consoles (converging slot-hole) on a large-scale flat-plate model. The results show that the coolant flow from a row of consoles shows good lateral uniformity of For the console cooling geometry, the interaction between coolant jet from inclined console and the mainstream flow results in reasonable vortices configuration. A pair of counter rotating vortices originate from the edge of slot , not from the centerline of the film holes and the rotating direction is contrary to the conventional cylindrical hole, and the discharge coefficient for a console is larger than that for cylindrical film cooling hole.
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