Charge disproportionation induced exchange bias in La_(0.5)Ca_(0.5)FeO_(3-δ)

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zoudfeng
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We observed an exchange bias effect in La0.5Ca0.5FeO3 perovskite compound.The exchange bias is associated with the charge disproportionation transition from Fe4+ions to Fe3+and Fe5+ions below 175 K.The competition between the ferromagnetic interaction of Fe3+and Fe5+ions and the antiferromagnetic one of Fe3+and Fe3+ions results in a unidirectional anisotropy in the cluster-glass system.An antiferromagnetically interfacial exchange coupling constant Ji1.95 meV at the cluster-glass region was yielded by fitting the cooling field-dependence of the exchange bias field. We observed an exchange bias effect in La0.5Ca0.5FeO3 perovskite compound. The exchange bias is associated with the charge disproportionation transition from Fe4 + ions to Fe3 + and Fe5 + ions below 175 K. The competition between the ferromagnetic interaction of Fe3 + and Fe5 + ions and the antiferromagnetic one of Fe3 + and Fe3 + ions results in a unidirectional anisotropy in the cluster-glass system. An antiferromagnetically interfacial exchange coupling constant Ji 1.95 meV at the cluster-glass region was yielded by fitting the cooling field- dependence of the exchange bias field.
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