Cloning and identification of measles virus receptor gene from marmoset cells

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaofzp
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The measles virus (MV) strains with mutated hemagglutinin gene (ha) lost the capacity to infect its sensitive host cells (Vero cells), but it may infect the marmoset B-lymphoblastoid cell line B95a. From above, we can presume that there is a novel cellular receptor for those measles virus strains on B95a cells. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we screened and cloned a novel gene-bip (B-lymphoblastoid interaction protein of marmoset) from B95a cell cDNA library, which encoded a protein interacting with measles virus hemagglutinin protein (Ha). The bip cDNA was 1540 base pairs in length and contained a unique open reading frame (ORF) of 1011 base pairs encoding a transmembrane protein of 337 amino acid residues. The primary structure of amino acids residue is predicted that the Bip comprised a hydrophobic transmembrane domain and a hydrophobic leader region. The researches about the deletion mutants showed that the deletion of transmembrane domain in Bip did not affect the interaction between Bip and Ha The measles virus (MV) mutant with mutated hemagglutinin gene (ha) lost the capacity to in sensitive its sensitive host cells (Vero cells), but it may infect the marmoset B-lymphoblastoid cell line B95a. From above, we can presume that there is a novel cellular receptor for those measles virus on B95a cells. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we screened and cloned a novel gene-bip (B-lymphoblastoid interaction protein of marmoset) from B95a cell cDNA library, which encoded a protein interacting The biphase cDNA was 1540 base pairs in length and contained a unique open reading frame (ORF) of 1011 base pairs encoding a transmembrane protein of 337 amino acid residues. The primary structure of amino acids residue is predicted that the Bip comprised a hydrophobic transmembrane domain and a hydrophobic leader region. The researches about the deletion mutants showed that the deletion of transmembrane domain in Bip did not affect the interaction between Bip and Ha
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浊世自有翩翩者,化蝶入梦。  庄周的文笔汪洋恣肆,怪诞奇异,使得他本人也似迷蝶翩翩,老龟曳尾,飘乎而安逸。庄子代表着理想人格的极高境界。我们有心羡慕他自由遨游之情,无意仿他曳尾于涂中的拒世作为。  战国中期,群雄争霸,干戈厮杀间,人命如同草芥,庄子不是什么掌握权力之人,存于这种乱世之中,朝不保夕,如何能得逍遥之感?庄子在濮水畔作出决定,从此远离乱世对自我的束缚,他说:“往矣,吾将曳尾于涂中!”兵荒