Numerical simulation research on surface radiation heat calculation of spacecraft in orbit whole cou

来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guihaiyidao1
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The surface radiation heat simulation program based on Microsoft VC++ 6.0 for spacecraft in whole orbit course was presented.Due to complexity of spacecraft structure,the spacecraft structures were decomposed to relatively regular parts.Automatic generation of calculation grid was conducted by using structured grid and unstructured technology.Simulation mainly solved automatic grid generation for arbitrary surface and data transmission between arbitrary shape interfaces,and the geometry structure,physical process,calculation accuracy and efficiency were considered.View factors and radiation transfer coefficients were calculated by combining finite element method and ray uniform distribution.According to the position of surface cells,external heat flux was calculated with integral method for non-shaded surface and with ray uniform distribution method for shaded surface.As the spacecraft surface was wrapped with multilayer insulation material,the temperature field of multilayer insulation material was calculated with nodal network method and finite volume method.The temperature of other parts without wrap was calculated with finite element method.The temperature of unconnected regions available with radiation heat transfer relations was analyzed,and the calculation formulae were deduced.Numerical experiment shows that the simulation program is correct and effective. The surface radiation heat simulation program based on Microsoft VC ++ 6.0 for spacecraft in whole orbit course was presented. Due to complexity of spacecraft structure, the spacecraft structures were decomposed to relatively regular parts. Automatic generation of calculation grid was conducted by using structured grid and unstructured technology.Simulation primarily solved automatic grid generation for arbitrary surface and data transmission between arbitrary shape interfaces, and the geometry structure, physical process, calculation accuracy and efficiency were considered .View factors and radiation transfer coefficients were calculated by combining finite element method and ray uniform distribution. According to the position of surface cells, external heat flux was calculated with integral method for non-shaded surface and with ray uniform distribution method for shaded surface. As the spacecraft surface was wrapped with multilayer insulation material, the temperature field of multilayer insulatio n material was calculated with nodal network method and finite volume method. temperature of other parts without wrap was calculated with finite element method. temperature of unconnected regions available with radiation heat transfer relations was analyzed, and the calculation formula was successfully deduced. shows that the simulation program is correct and effective.
改革开放以来 ,我国企业的干部教育培训工作有了很大发展。1979年后 ,在全国范围内就有3次大的培训活动 ,第一次是厂长经理统考及培训 ,第二次是厂长、党委书记、工会主席、总工程
1993年 4月 24日国务院通过的《国家公务员暂行条例》,对国家公务员培训做出了明确规定。专业技术人员继续教育自20世纪70年代末引入国内,从整体上看,这两项工作的开展,对于提高国家公务员、
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