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  (Pearl,a black,ballet student)
  (The play after her childhood.)
  The first act
  [Pearl enters on the stage ]
  [Walking dejectedly]
  Pearl : The world is an entirely inequitably inferno .
  Racism is a dire lord .
  Poverty is an insurmountable chasm .
  It’s been four years since I began to dance .
  It’s also been four years that I kept being ridiculed.
  Suffering from the trample on my dignity .
  A group of girls : (The tall one )Hey, what are you doing over there?
  (The curly one )“Hey everybody, look at the elegant swan!
  (The one in red )Yep .The lowclass ugly pig !
  [Laughing, going off the stage ]
  Pearl : Like it says, what is essential is invisible to the eye, when the time comes for me,I’ve to go along .
  [Music, Pearl goes off the stage ]
  The second act
  [Girls are practicing dancing to the music ]
  Anna : Good job, girls ! Class is over, see you !
  Girls : See you !
  [Lights turn on, shining Pearl]
  Aside :The classroom is empty .
  Pearl’s heart is filled with hollowness.
  Her dream is to be the coryphee .
  But her black skins durance her .
  In the world which is full of tortuosity.
  A Black Swan is a boloney .
  So, every lonely night, the black princess insists on .
  Just splash down sweat while jumping and tumbling .
  Just knead the deformed feet after frazzled shoes .
  Just sob,wiping away the blood on feet,knitting brows .
  The third act
  [The night before the performance,only Pearl ]
  Pearl: I’ve insisted on working while everyone is resting for eight years . And just wait for tomorrow .
  I firmly believe that as long as I do instead of phrasemongering, I would be in the center .
  [Music, costers in ]
  [Girls bow ]
  Nick : Good job ! (Applauding )
  I guess we’ve ensured the list of the most dancers .
  [Looking at Anna ]
  Anna:So what’s the next?
  Nick:As the leader dance of the Swan Lake, I think we need to test some girls, let them solo as the white swan .
  [Staring at the girls ]
  Then, the best one will be the coryphee !
  [Girls are acclaiming ]
  The fourth act
  [Examining ]
  Nick : Hanna.
  [Hanna enters on, the tall one ]
  [Hanna finishes dancing .Nick frowns .]
  Molly .
  [Molly enters on, the curly one ]   Aside : The girls hold high their head to begin and crestfallenly go off .Nick loses his marbles .
  However,Pearl is in the corner, Anna is afraid of letting others see a black crazy girl .
  Nick : [Interrogatory]
  These are your students?Rubbish !They can only fudge in crowds, no one is perfect !
  [Looking around,delighted ]
  You, the thin and black one, come here .
  Pearl : [Astonished and athrill. ]
  [Come to the center. ]
  [Music ]
  Aside : Nick is entirely stunned and the same as others .
  No one has seen a swan like Pearl !
  The instant that Pearl is dancing, the world is illuminated by the shining black pearl !
  [Music stops]
  Nick : She is the doubtless white swan !
  [ Many years passed ]
  [Pearl only, lights on herself ]
  Pearl : I’ve been confused that how to get success.
  Eventually, I found, don’t just give mere pep talks, but do directly .
  May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset .
  [Performers enter on the stage, bow ]
  The end .
【摘要】近年来,培养学生的跨文化交际能力越来越成为外语教学关注的重点。笔者作为独立学院英语专业的一名教师,通过以所在学校为例,探析了独立学院英语专业学生跨文化交际能力培养中存在的一些问题,并分别针对学生、教师以及学校层面给出相应对策,以期能够引起更多学者对独立学院英语专业学生跨文化交际能力培养的关注。  【关键词】独立学院;英语专业;跨文化交际能力  【作者简介】陈婷婷(1989- ),河南新县人
【摘要】随着世界交流越来越密切,英语在日常生活中的应用越来越广泛,重视学生英语学习能力的提高成为很多高校重点关注的教学任务。民族地区由于其本身地区偏远,教学资源相对匮乏,英语教学中存在很多问题,制约着当地学生英语能力提升。本文对民族地区高校英语教学问题提出反思,引进任务型教学模式,帮助教师将课程目标与任务结合起来,鼓励学生融入课堂,紧随教学进度,希望能够促进高效学习课堂的构建。  【关键词】民族地
【摘要】中西方语言和文化息息相关,语言不仅承载了一个民族的历史,也担当着文化传承的重任。在全球化日趋显著的今天,中国和西方世界的交流越来越频繁,双方的文化差异也越来越显著,本文主要从价值观、思维模式以及种族观这三个方面阐述双方文化差异和语言体现,旨在促进中西方文化交流,增强双边的跨文化交际能力。  【关键词】中西方文化;差异;语言体现  【作者简介】赵雯,遵义医科大学外国语学院。  古往今来,中国
【摘要】英语核心素养主要是指中职学生在英语学习和实践活动中掌握英语基础知识、基本技能、基本品质和基本经验的综合体。中职英语核心素养的培养就是要求中职学生不仅学会用英语交流,而且能够通过英语学科了解西方国家的经济、社会文化知识。本文针对如何培养中职学生英语核心素养进行探讨。  【关键词】中职;英语教学;核心素养;培养  【作者简介】丁树楠,甘肃省通渭县职教中心,中学一级教师,研究方向:中职学校英语课
【摘要】词汇作为语言的基本要素之一, 直接影响着学习者学习英语的进度和深度。然而传统课堂词汇教学费时低效的现实迫使英语词汇教学亟待革新。本文就如何搭建拼写与读音之间的桥梁,以自然拼读法促单词识记,创新单词记忆方法,直面英语初学者在英语词汇学习中存在的实际问题。  【关键词】英语单词;自然拼读法;识记方法  词汇教学是英语教学中必不可少的一个重要环节,贯穿于语言学习的全过程。单词作为语言输出基本单位
【摘要】阅读能力是学生必须具备的对事物或书本的一种理解能力,小学生英语阅读能力决定了他们接收英语信息和知识的水平,而英语阅读能力又直接与英语的诵读有很大关系。提高小学生的英语诵读能力对培养他们的阅读能力和接收信息知识的能力有很大的促进作用。本文从搭建灵动高质的英语诵读课堂入手,着力研究提高小学生英语诵读水平的策略和方法。  【关键词】小学英语;诵读;策略  【作者简介】仇伟红,江苏省常州市武进区采