
来源 :水利水电技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zibzibzib
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白石水库是辽宁省大凌河干流上的控制骨干性工程,大凌河含沙量较高、输沙量较大,为多沙河流,泥沙问题较多.为此,采用整体和局部两个物理模型进行了较为深入的研究,解决了模拟全沙、异重流等技术难点,揭示了库区和坝区泥沙的冲淤规律,并进行了水库运用方式的确定、泄流排沙建筑物布置方案的选择、水库长期淤积发展的试验及坝前水流及泥沙特性研究等. Baishi Reservoir is a key control project on the main stream of Daling River in Liaoning Province. Daling River has a high sediment concentration and a large amount of sediment. It is a sandy river with many sediment problems. Therefore, the two physical models, the whole and the part, were used to carry out a more in-depth study, which solved the technical difficulties of simulating the whole sand and heavy gravity flow, revealed the scouring and silting laws of sediment in the reservoir area and the dam area, The way to determine the discharge of sand sediment selection of the layout of the building, the long-term reservoir sediment development test and the dam before the water flow and sediment characteristics of the study.
世界青年田径锦标赛是国际业 余田径联合会主办的国际青年田径比赛。参加比赛的运动员受年龄的限制,男不满19岁,女不满18岁。比赛每两年举行一次。从1986年7月16~20日在希腊
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