Cats recognize their own names, but may not come when you call 知道自己名字的小猫咪

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  Studies show that human beings and cats have been living together for about 9,500 years.
  Dogs have lived with humans longer than cats. Dogs are domesticated, meaning they have been trained to do what people want them to do. However, cats do not obey humans in the same way that dogs do. In fact, some scientists claim that cats have trained us to take care of them. As a result, many people have come to think that maybe cats simply do not understand human language.
  A new report shows that cats understand human beings well enough to recognize their own names. The report describes a series of experiments with house cats in Japan. These tests involved having people say four words that were similar to a cats name. Each word had the same number of syllables(音节) as the name and some of the same sounds. The cats seemed to lose interest after the speaker said a few of the words. Then the person said the cats name. The cats moved their ears or turned their head when they heard their names. They also moved their feet or bodies very little—not a surprising result.
  In another experiment, Japanese resear?chers compared house cats to cats which live in a cat café, a business where humans can come to spend time with cats. People said the names of the cats staying in the cat café. These animals reacted just as much to the name of a fellow cat living at the cat café as to their own name. The researchers thought this was because visitors may give food to the cat or rub its back when it responds. Another finding was that a cat will react when a person who is not its owner says its name.
  “I think many cat owners feel that cats know their names, or the word ‘food’. But until now, there is no scientific evidence to back that up,” says Saito, who is a cat owner.
  The researchers hope that the findings from their study will help both cats and people. They added that perhaps cats can learn words to warn them of dangerous things or places.
  1.Why did many people think cats couldnt understand human language?
  A.They are much too lazy.
  B.They should be taken care of.
  C.They dont usually obey humans.
  D.They only know their own names.
  2.How many experiments does the text mention?
  A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
  Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text
  1.claim v. 聲称 a result 结果
  3.involve v. 包含
  4.respond v. 回答;反应
  5.evidence n. 证据
  6.back up 支持
  Ⅱ.Attributive clauses in the text
  1.Cats do not obey humans in the same way
【摘 要】终身学习理念是国家开放大学体系建设的灵魂;国家开放大学体系是建设学习型社会的基础;《教育规划纲要》是国家开放大学体系建设的纲领性文献;推进继续教育是国家开放大学体系的重大历史责任;明确指导思想是把握国家开放大学体系建设正确方向的关键;科学定位是确保国家开放大学体系具有一流服务功能的前提;亟待采取有力措施,加快推进国家开放大学体系的建设。  【关键词】 国家开放大学体系;终身学习;学习型社
【摘 要】   多种国际报告显示教育人工智能是当前教育技术新兴领域之一。虽然教育人工智能已有约三十年的历史,但是目前教育工作者仍然不清楚如何更大规模地发挥其在教学上的优势,也不清楚现实中它可能以何种方式对高等教育教与学产生有意义的影响。本文旨在通过系统综述呈现人工智能在高等教育的应用研究概况。本研究最初检索到2007—2018年间发表的2,656篇论文,根据明确的收录和排除标准,最后采用146篇
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目——新世纪中国长篇小说创作的现代性与本土化路径研究(编号:13YJA751039);湖南省哲学社会科学基金项目(编号:13YBA149)。  摘 要:田耳新作《天体悬浮》给读者留下关于“善念”的思考:物欲与人道的交织,人性变得敏感、脆弱,但这不能成为善念缺失的理由,善念是物欲横流的世界里维持灵魂纯净的良药,也是心灵救赎的良方。拉康的镜像理论和佛洛伊德的人
2018年11月22日,劳力士代言人、国际知名指挥家古斯塔沃.杜達梅尔(Gustavo Dudamel)携手柏林爱乐乐团登台国家大剧院,亮相“醇.萃古典”系列音乐会。此次柏林爱乐乐团也是其时隔七年在北京的再一次亮相,而作为此次亚洲巡演旅程的最后一站,杜达梅尔与柏林爱乐乐团带来伯恩斯坦和马勒两位经典之作的极致演绎。  劳力士支持享负盛名的演艺活动、机构及表演家。凭借四十多年的丰富传统,劳力士一直在艺
摘 要:采用SEC一致性分析模式,以吉林省2016—2018年中考物理统考试卷与《义务教育物理课程标准(2011年版)》为研究对象,从内容主题和认知水平维度分析二者的一致性。  关键词:中考试卷;课程标准;吉林省物理统考  中图分类号:G633.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-6148(2020)1-0037-4  1 引 言  义务教育阶段的物理课程注重学生的全面发展,在培养学生科
一年一度的北京图书订货会,说是全年图书的风向标,是一场图书的盛宴。可结束之后,也有人发表文章说,那是传统书业最后的狂欢。当然,像我这样并不资深的编辑,不敢妄言,但流连其间,也确实有诸多感慨难言。  会场内是一场别样的繁华。每个场馆内都是人来人往、熙熙攘攘,尤其是中央的1号展馆,连展馆门外的讲座通告栏都改成了大型的LED屏,内部更不用说,有央视媒体坐镇,广播里一遍一遍地喧哗着播报各位业内名人的讲座和
摘 要:村上春树作为日本人气最高的小说家,在日本享有日本当代文学天王的称号,他的每一部作品刚一问世就立刻掀起全社会范围的广泛讨论,这也被称为“村上春树现象”。尤其是作品中时时刻刻流露出的孤独、空虚的精神气质,更是成为独具时代性的文学标签而受到国内外青少年读者的强烈认同。本文拟从村上春树小说中特有的孤独意识作为切入点,通过对村上春树2013年的小说《没有色彩的多崎作和他的巡礼之年》进行分析,探讨村上
【摘 要】 本文以卡耐基梅隆大学的开放学习项目(Open Learning Initiative, OLI)为例探索开放教育资源如何满足学习者个性化的学习需求,以及学习资源的设计与应用模式和特征。作者探讨了开放学习项目的科学研究理论模式——巴斯德象限,指出:基于基础研究和应用研究的开放教育资源在线课程设计对教与学及研究工作具有多方位促进作用。文章并梳理了该开放学习项目独具特色的与社区学院的合作计划
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