Teaching on line

来源 :阴山学刊(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yt2099
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The 21st century is the age of Internet,and the access to the Internet greatly facilitates the life and work ofpeople,particularly teaching.The traditional face-to-face teaching cannot meet the needs of modern learners to some extent.Therefore,online teaching springs up as a response.It is characterized by being convenient and efficient,so it is consideredto be a good option.However,there is still mystery about how to fulfill this kind of teaching.As to this,the paperfirst clarifies the misunderstanding about the online teaching,and then makes clear the difference between face-to-faceteaching and online teaching.Furthermore,by providing tips,some guidance is fully given,which for sure will help onlinetutors achieve their goals. The 21st century is the age of Internet, and the access to the Internet greatly facilitates the life and work ofpeople, particularly teaching.The traditional face-to-face teaching can not meet the needs of modern learners to some extent.Therefore, online teaching springs up as a response.It is characterized by being convenient and efficient, so it is consideredto be a good option.However, thereis still mystery about how to fulfill this kind of teaching.As to this, the paperfirst clarifies the misunderstanding about the online teaching, and then makesale clear the difference between face-to-faceteaching and online teaching .Furthermore, by providing tips, some guidance is fully given, which for sure will help onlinetutors achieve their goals.
为配合高中新课改试点,浙江省正式启动了全新的高考方案。新高考一改以往单一的评价体系,个别科目尝试为学生提供多次考试机会,还为不同水平的学生设置了不同的考试方案。这一以减负为初衷的高考新政,能否真正实现学生减负的目的?     2008年9月13日上午,浙江30多万高三学生迎来了2009年新课改高考的首场考试——英语听力考试。  这是参加2009年高考的考生首次听力考试的机会。据了解,2009年浙江
例 1,男 ,32岁。因上腹部胀痛 ,反酸 1个月余 ,经胃镜检查 ,胃窦大弯侧见 - 1.5 cm× 2 .0 cm浅表溃疡 ,表面附有薄白苔 ,周围粘膜轻度水肿隆起。病理报告 :炎性细胞浸润及少
1 病历报告患者,男性,28岁,兽医。20余天前出现头昏、头痛、发热,体温波动于正常至39℃之间,就诊前1周出现多饮、多尿,尿量4~6Ld,体重下降5kg。既往体健。入院时查体:T392℃,