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2007年4月25日,朝鲜为纪念人民军建军75周年举行了大型军事阅兵。在阅兵仪式上共出现了4类48枚地对地导弹,其中新公开3种,但朝鲜电视台转播的阅兵仪式画面上没有出现争议较大的中程导弹,而主要推出了射程较小的KN-02战役战术弹道导弹(题图)。虽然该导弹射程较小,但由于其外形风格与以往朝鲜导弹截然不同,因此在国际上引发了众多猜测,这种转变表明朝鲜导弹技术正在实现自主化设计,向着实用化方向发展。 On April 25, 2007, North Korea held a large-scale military parade to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Army. There were altogether 48 types of ground-to-ground missiles in 4 types at the parade ceremonies, of which 3 were newly public. However, there was no controversial medium-range missile on the parade screen broadcast by the North Korean Television Station, but the main launch was a KN with a smaller range -02 battle tactical ballistic missile (problem map). Although the missile has a small range, it has caused many international speculations because of its distinctive appearance and style. This shift shows that North Korea’s missile technology is being implemented in an autonomous design direction and has been developed towards practical use.
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患者男,24岁.因情绪失控,将5枚剃须刀片(新购,带双层包装纸)吞入胃内,3 h后来院就诊.急诊X光腹部透视见左上腹第2腰椎水平可见片状金属影.遂行急诊胃镜试取异物.术前向患者说明因异物数目较多,需多次进镜,并同普外科联系,以备内镜钳取失败.术前1%的卡因常规咽部麻醉,左侧卧位进镜,胃镜进入胃内后见5枚剃须刀片散布于胃底黏液湖中,外层包装纸多已脱落,内层蜡纸包裹尚完好.先用异物钳夹住1枚刀片一端中
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