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伴随着世界各国经济的快速发展,近年来,经济领域内的各类舞弊案件也日益增多,涉案金额越来越大,舞弊方式日趋隐蔽和复杂。与此同时,人们对公司披露的会计信息质量大为不满,因虚假会计信息披露而导致投资人遭受损失的法律诉讼不断出现。对于 With the rapid economic development in various countries in the world, various forms of fraud in the economic field have also been increasing in recent years. The amount of fraud involved has been increasing and the methods of fraud have become increasingly concealed and complicated. At the same time, people are greatly dissatisfied with the quality of the accounting information disclosed by the Company, and legal proceedings that the investors suffered losses due to the disclosure of false accounting information continue to emerge. for
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by deposition of amyloid beta, neurofibrillary tangles, astrogliosis and microgl
Many strdies have been conducted on imagery rehearsal to test psychoneuromascular theory,in which only adults or experienced athletes were taken as subjects. Wh
Objective:To synthesize the silver nunoparticles(AgNPs) by reduction of silver ions into nano silver,using ripened berry extract of Lantana camara and evaluate
现代著名作家郁达夫曾经这样说过:“有感觉的动物,有情趣的人类,对于秋,总是一样的能特别引起深沉,幽远,严厉,萧索的感触来的。”(《故都的秋》)无独有偶,梁实秋也说过类似的话:“散步的去处不一定要是山明水秀之区,如果风景宜人,固然觉得心旷神怡,就是荒村陋巷,也自有它的情趣。”(《散步》)  由此,我想起一个古老、传统,但在当下又似乎已经陌生甚或被片面使用的字眼与话题,那就是情趣。  情趣,按照《现代
本文运用统计思想对体育运动项目中难度的变化规律进行探讨,由此提出了适用体育运动项目的新的累进计分公式. This article uses statistical thinking to discuss the changi
军事生涯是张景岳温补思想的基础,并对其果断气质的形成以及将军事理论与医学理论的结合方面产生了一定影响,在中国军事医学史上有重要意义 Military career is the foundatio