风雨同舟 共铸辉煌——新中国成立60年经济与银行业携手前行

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新中国成立60年来,经济和金融取得了巨大的成就。在经济方面,国民经济综合实力明显增强,国际地位和影响力显著提高;人民生活实现由贫困到总体小康的历史性跨越,正向全面小康目标迈进;对外经济实现了从封闭半封闭到全方位开放,对外贸易和利用外资规模均跃居世界前列;经济结构实现由低级到高级、不均衡到相对均衡的巨大调整。在银行业方面,金融机构资产规模不断扩大;存贷款规模不断上升;资产质量大幅改善,抗风险能力进一步增强;盈利能力稳步提升;从一元化、大一统的银行体制发展到多种类型金融机构相互竞争、共同发展的局面。 In the 60 years since the founding of New China, great achievements have been made in economy and finance. On the economic front, the comprehensive strength of the national economy has been significantly enhanced and its international status and influence have been remarkably improved. The people’s life has achieved a historic milestone from poverty to overall well-being and is now moving toward a goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. The foreign economy has achieved its goal of transforming the semi- The scale of opening up, foreign trade and the utilization of foreign investment all rank among the highest in the world. The economic structure has undergone a great readjustment from a low level to a high level, from an imbalance to a relatively balanced one. In the banking sector, the scale of assets of financial institutions continued to grow; the scale of deposits and loans kept rising; the quality of assets was substantially improved; the anti-risk ability was further enhanced; the profitability improved steadily; from the development of a unified and unified banking system to the mutual establishment of various types of financial institutions Competition and common development.
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