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在初中英语教学中,由于汉语和英语的差异,给学生学习英语词汇带来不少困难。本文就如何有效地进行词汇教学,进行了认真思考和探讨。 In junior high school English teaching, due to the differences between Chinese and English, it brings many difficulties for students to learn English vocabulary. In this paper, how to effectively carry out vocabulary teaching, conducted serious consideration and discussion.
普立万公司于近日正式宣布其董事会推举William R.Jellison为独立董事,并从即日起开始生效。作为审计委员会中的一员,他的当选使普立万的董事会董事数量增至11位。Jellison先
本文讨论了插入语的使用。 This article discusses the use of insertions.
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