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伦敦商学院信息管理教授迈克尔·厄尔和伦敦商学院客座研究员伊恩·斯科特最近撰文谈知识主管:一种新的公司经理正在出现——知识主管(CKO)。迄今为止,这种角色与监管信息技术功能的信息主管(CIO)是调然不同的。知识主管的任务是为厂启动、推行和快调知识管理计划。知识 Michael Earle, a professor of information management at London Business School and Ian Scott, a visiting fellow at London Business School, recently wrote about knowledge leaders: A new corporate manager is emerging - Knowledge Director (CKO). To date, this role has been different from that of the CIO, which oversees information technology functions. The task of a knowledge manager is to start, implement and speed up a knowledge management plan for the plant. know how
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Kupffer cells play a central role in the pathogenesis of alcoholic hepatitis(AH). It is believed that alcohol increases the gut permeability that results in rai
在概括云计算基本原理及其特点的基础上,探讨了云计算技术的发展带给网络信息资源开发与利用的新模式,分析了此模型的理论价值与实际意义。 On the basis of summarizing th
AIM: To evaluate the pain relieving effect of intervention with “Lamaze method of colonoscopy” in the process of colonoscopy.METHODS: Five hundred and eighty-