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《大般涅槃经》有言:“无间有三,时无间,空无间、受者无间。”超越时空无间、超越生死无间,一切便明了自然,心境释然了。但徘徊在去留之间的2003网坛,又怎是“无间”所可以诠释的呢?很多人关注网球是从认识他们的,当他们远离网球,远离我们视线的时候,会有新的偶像来代替他们空下来的位置,但那一段峥嵘岁月又如何能代替得了呢?再默念一次这些我们曾经熟悉的名字——桑普拉斯、桑切斯、拉夫特、张德培、辛吉斯、克拉吉塞克……不为别的,只为他们纯粹地执着。夕阳虽好,却近黄昏,韶华渐去时,竞技体育的残酷性和现实性就愈发地凸显出来了。阿加西、伊万尼塞维奇、皮尔斯、里奥斯、费雷拉、卡费尔尼科夫、塞莱斯、科泽尔……当0他们彻底被涌上来的新秀的光芒所湮没时,一个时代真的要结束了。历史可以有黑白,但绝不能空白,是他们,或成功,或失落地书写了这一时期的网坛历史。当我们站在2003与2004的当口再论时,不由生出丝丝伤感…… The Great Nirvana Nirvana has a saying: “There are three things in an instant, timeless and empty, and there is no difference between the recipients.” Beyond time and place, transcending life and death, everything becomes clear and natural. However, wandering in the 2003 tennis between the left and right, how can “no” can be interpreted? A lot of people are concerned about the tennis is to know them, when they stay away from tennis, away from our sight, there will be a new idol Instead of their empty position, but how can a section of the towering years have replaced it? And then again with the names we used to be familiar - Sampras, Sanchez, Lafte, Zhang Depei, Hingis, G ... not for anything but for their pure dedication. Although the sunset is good, but near dusk, gradually Shaohua, the brutality and reality of competitive sports more and more highlighted. Agassi, Ivanisevic, Pierce, Rios, Ferreira, Kafarnikov, Seles, Keizer ... When they were totally lost by the glow of a rising rookie An era is really over. History can be black and white, but must not be empty, it is them, or successful, or lost to write the tennis history of this period. When we stand at the dawn of 2003 and 2004, we can not help but give birth to a sense of frivolity ...
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