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同志们,朋友们: 今年2月28日是台湾省人民“二·二八”起义五十周年纪念日。今天,首都各界人士隆重集会,纪念这个具有历史意义的日子。此时此刻,我们深切缅怀在“二·二八”起义中英勇献身的烈士,倍加思念广大台湾同胞;更加感到,面向21世纪,我们海峡两岸同胞应当进一步加强往来,发展合作,坚持统一,反对分裂,共同振兴中华。 1945年8月,中国人民取得抗日战争的最后胜利,收复了失土台湾、澎湖。台湾同胞欢天喜地、张灯结彩,庆祝抗战胜利和台湾光复。但是,国民党在台湾的统治,极端腐败,导致物价飞涨,失业严重。风气败坏,完全辜负了台湾同胞的殷切期望。台湾同胞对国民党当局的统治先是极端失望,并发展成强烈愤 Comrades and friends: February 28 this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the “February 28” uprising of the people of Taiwan Province. Today, people from all walks of life in the capital hold a grand rally commemorating this historic day. At this moment, we deeply cherish the memory of the martyrs who heroically devoted themselves to the “February 28” uprising and think twice of the Taiwan compatriots in the world. We are even more aware that facing the 21st century, our compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should further strengthen their contacts, develop cooperation and persist in reunification Oppose division and jointly rejuvenate China. In August 1945, the Chinese people won the final victory of the anti-Japanese war and regained soil loss in Taiwan and Penghu. Taiwan compatriots happily celebrate the victory of the war and the recovery of Taiwan. However, the Kuomintang’s rule in Taiwan and its extreme corruption led to soaring prices and serious unemployment. The atmosphere is corrupt and completely disappoints the ardent expectations of Taiwan compatriots. Taiwan compatriots were extremely disappointed with the rule of the Kuomintang authorities and developed into anger
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