Luohe Hi-tech Zone, an Incubator of Wealth

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LUOHE City in central Chi- na’sHenanProvinceisone ofthefewinlandcitiesthat have won the “China Hu- man Settlements and En- vironment Demonstration Award” and the national title of “Green City.” These awards have prompted the provincial governmenttoma LUOHE City in central Chi- na’s Provinince of the United Kingdom and the won the “China Hu- man Settlements and Environment Demonstration Award” and the national title of “Green City.” These awards have prompted the provincial government toma
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秦岭锐齿栎林、油松林和华山松林 (包括 0~ 60cm土层 )营养元素总贮量达 2 9 2 50 0~ 390 1 739t·hm-2 ,其大小为锐齿栎林 >华山松 >油松林 ,土壤中营养现贮量占系统总量的 9
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