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今年高考语文试题有个显著的变化,就是由考缩写、改写、写读后感一跃而考命题作文,而且规定写议论文。这不仅符合《中学语文教学大纲》和教材的要求,而且合乎广大语文教师的心愿,也能针对中学毕业生的实际需要。《大纲》规定,作文训练的主要方式是命题作文,而高中作文训练的重点是“培养比较复杂的议论能力”,让学生能写出“观点鲜明、内容充实、结构完整、中心明确、语句流畅”的议论文。高中语文教材中议论文占有相当的比重,课文后面又有许多议论文的读写练习。语文教师在命题作文和指导学生写议论文方面的确付出过辛勤的劳动。中学 There has been a noticeable change in the examination questions for college entrance examinations this year. It is from the test of abbreviation, rewriting, and a feeling of reading and writing to jump into the composition of the proposition, and it is prescribed to write argumentative articles. This not only meets the requirements of the “Chinese Syllabus for Middle Schools” and the teaching materials, but also meets the wishes of the majority of Chinese teachers and can also meet the actual needs of middle school graduates. The “Outline” stipulates that the main method of composition training is propositional composition, and the focus of high school composition training is “cultivating more complex argumentative abilities”, so that students can write “clear viewpoints, enriched content, complete structure, clear center, and smooth sentences.” Argumentative. The dissertation in high school Chinese textbooks occupies a considerable proportion, and there are many literary and essay reading and writing exercises after the text. Chinese teachers do indeed put in hard work in proposition writing and in guiding students to write argumentative papers. Secondary school
先看一道题。 设,求。 为解此题,有必要求出数列{x_n}的通项表达式。 Look at a question first. Set, demand. To solve this problem, it is necessary to find the gene
黄四娘家花满蹊, 千朵万朵压枝低。留连戏蝶时时舞, 自在娇莺恰恰啼。①这是杜甫于唐肃宗上元二年在成都草堂写的《江畔独步寻花》组诗中的第六首。②黄四娘:杜甫在成都草堂