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20世纪五六十年代出土的巴尔.科赫巴书信,不仅是了解作为犹太史分水岭的巴尔.科赫巴起义唯一翔实的一手资料,而且是迄今为止发现的唯一一份由一个反抗罗马帝国的起义领袖留下的文书。书信中起义领袖的姓名表明后世普遍认为这次起义具有弥赛亚性质,犹太神学传统对弥赛亚学说的构建正是在起义后出现了重大变化。书信中所使用的语言表明,希伯来语在当时绝不仅仅限于宗教仪式,而使用希腊文在犹太巴勒斯坦也未必由社会等级决定。犹太传统对巴尔.科赫巴的历史记忆具有高度的选择性,视他为典型的假弥赛亚或力大无穷的战士。这说明记住巴尔.科赫巴的意义并不来自过去,而是源于当下。 The letter to Bar Kherba unearthed in the 1950s and 1960s is not only the best source of information on the Balchikhhh uprising as a watershed in the history of Jewish history but also the only one so far discovered that was discovered by a rebel against the Roman Empire The uprising leader left the instruments. The letters of the leader of the uprising in the epistle indicate that it was generally accepted later that the insurrection was of Messianic nature and that Jewish theological tradition had undergone major changes to the Messianic doctrine just after the uprising. The language used in the letters shows that Hebrew was by no means limited to religious rites at the time, and the use of Greek in Jewish Palestine was not necessarily determined by social class. The Jewish tradition is highly selective of the historical memories of Bar Koch, treating him as a typical fake Messiah or an immensely powerful warrior. This shows that remembering the significance of Bar Kochba does not come from the past, but from the moment.
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在阿拉善这片广袤而神奇的土地上,阿盟国税人经历了二十余年的风霜雨雪,正以崭新的面貌昂首跨入新世纪,谱写着税收事业的新乐章。 1980年7月1日阿盟财政局、税务局正式成立、办公,对内
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