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“过度治疗”是指医方在非完全医学目的驱使下,违背医学规范和伦理准则,提供不能明显提高诊治价值,反而徒增医疗卫生资源耗费的医疗服务。国外将此类医疗服务称为“浪费的医疗”。据专家介绍,目前临床存在的“过度治 ”Over-treatment “ means that under the impetus of non-complete medical purposes, the medical service violates medical norms and ethical guidelines and provides medical services that can not obviously increase the value of diagnosis and treatment but instead increase health and medical resources. Such medical services abroad are referred to as ”wasting medical care“. According to experts, the current clinical presence of ”excessive treatment
AIM:Endoplasmic reticulum stress(ERS)may contribute to the pathogenesis of myocardial reperfusion injury.The purpose ofthis study was to investigate the detaile
Genistein is one of several isoflavones that has a structure similar to 17β-estradiol, has a strong antioxidant effect, and a high affinity to estrogen recepto
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随 着现代农业的发展,农药品种间的科学 合理的混合使用可以充分发挥药效、节省劳动力。实践证明药的混合使用在病、虫、草、鼠害的防治上已经发挥了十分重要作用。随着
Objective To study the molecular mechanisms of Curcuma Wenyujin extract-mediated inhibitory effects on human esophageal carcinoma cells. Methods The Curcuma Wen
在以不同剂量(5 、7.5 、10μg/kg/ min) 多巴酚丁胺( Dob) 连续静注的同时,用二维超声心动图(2 DE) 观察陈旧性心肌梗塞(OMI) 患者室壁运动异常( WMA) 节段的收缩运动变化,以检出存活心肌。结果显示Dob - 2DE 在评价存活心