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江泽民总书记指出:“对领导干部的选拔任用一定要严格把关,要逐级建立健全用人失察责任追究制度。”根据江总书记的指示精神,北京市平谷县自1999年9月开始,对所有拟提拨的乡局(正、副处)级领导干部都进行了任前公示,对于深化领导干部选拔任用制度改革,加强群众监督,减少用人失察失误,增强干部工作的透明度,进行了有益的探索,得到中央组织部的充分肯定。把握四个环节县委高度重视,切实加强领导。平谷县委主要领导对选拔干部实行任前公示,认识深刻,思想统一。在1999年年初的北京市组织工作会议上,他们率先提出选拔任用干部要实行任前公示制。实施前,他们主动派出考察组,到已经取得经验的省市进行考察学 General Secretary Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Selecting and appointing leading cadres must be strictly checked, and a system of accountability for employing personnel should be established and perfected step by step.” According to General Secretary Jiang’s instructions, Pinggu County, Beijing Municipality since September 1999, All pre-term public announcements were made to all leading cadres at the Bureau of Township Bureau (deputy director of department) to be appropriated for deepening the reform of the system of selection and appointment of leading cadres, strengthening supervision by the masses, reducing oversight of oversight by employers and enhancing the transparency of cadre work. Useful exploration, by the Central Organization Department fully affirmed. Grasp the four aspects of the county Party committee attaches great importance to effectively strengthen leadership. The main leaders of Pinggu County Committee implement the pre-election publicity for selected cadres with profound understanding and unification of thoughts. At the organization and working conference of Beijing Municipality in early 1999, they first proposed that the system of selecting and appointing cadres should implement the pre-appointment public announcement system. Before the implementation, they voluntarily dispatched inspection teams to conduct inspection tours to the provinces and municipalities that have gained experience
Two series of solid complexes of europium and terbium with biphenyl 4-carboxylic acid and phen were synthesized and characterized in this report. Their elementa
目的 回顾性总结儿童Marfan综合征(MS)的诊断和心血管并发症、脊柱侧凸的治疗经验和教训.方法1992年至2002年手术的22例MS患儿采用心血管手术治疗9例,其中3例在术后又行脊柱侧凸矫正术,脊柱手术共16例.8例心外术后患儿随访38~101个月,平均(62 l±21.4)个月,检查方法主要为超声心动图,9例脊柱外科患儿术后随访5~32个月,平均(20.7±10.5)个月,要求拍摄全胸椎正侧
目的 通过对睡眠中自然充盈状态膀胱尿动力学检测,探讨儿童原发性夜间遗尿症(PNE)膀胱病理生理改变.方法 PNE组儿童50例,对照组儿童30例,无PNE临床表现.两组均进行下列检查:晨尿分析、泌尿系B超、尿流率,检查结果均正常者列入研究对象;连续记录7 d排尿日记;在夜间动态脑电图监测下,进行自然充盈膀胱的尿动力学检测.结果夜间总尿量、功能性膀胱容量(FBC)和排尿潜伏期:PNE组夜间总尿量与对照