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  The DefinitionOf A Summer Vacation "Resort"?
  The equatorial hideout during hot summer!
  The archipelago Maldives of the Indian Ocean is located at 4 degrees north latitude, in the tropical rain forest climate range between 10 °north and south of the latitude, on both sides of the equator. Maldives has a total sea area of 90,000 square kilometers, and is formed by 1,192 coral islands, with a land area of only 298 square kilometers. Of all the islands, 199 islands are inhabited, about 100 holiday islands have been developed, and another 991 are deserted islands. This country is made of many isolated coral reefs reaching out of the sea surface. For nearly three decades, smart Asian developers gradually grasped the gist of the business opportunities, who leased fleet from Sri Lanka and India, and shipped the soil, plants and labor, and finally worked out the "One hotel for one island" tropical resort policy, thus transforming the deserted island into new heavens on earth. The world-class holiday paradise, with annual average temperature of 28 ℃ and the freedom from the dry season, is born. Among the 26 atolls, the small islands are like a string of "green eggs" lying on the vast Indian Ocean, their only goal is to dazzle the fans from Europe and China.
  No doubt, the equatorial islands are the best summer resorts.
  What is a "resort"?   A resort is a resting haven for the spirit and the body, the nourishing nest for the family and lovers, and the visual and spiritual mecca; and it should be further away from home, more exotic and possess more cultural differences.
  One can look for the magnificent natural scenery, the exotic geographical beauty, the unique ethnic customs, the top service, the unexpected vacation experience and the meticulous tender care...
  These are all resort "standards".
  We have been busy for a whole year, we must give ourselves a holiday and savor the relaxation. We should have holiday with our family at least once a year, and each time no less than a week. So we can really say goodbye temporarily to our computers and WeChat.
  At this moment, go out and further away, the vacation is your most exciting, memorable life choice, so concentrated and liberating! Sometimes, short vacation, especially one in the distant "resort" such as Maldives, brings unexpected insights, and physical and mental baptism.
  The world's excellent resort has won the markets and the hearts of the people, because of its location, scenery, climate, service, brand and reputation, and its simple and friendly folks. For the tropical island resort hotels in Maldives, Bali, Thailand, Malaysia and other places in Asia, the doubling of Chinese guests over the past decade has not only brought business, but also promoted the construction of more new holiday hotels. A lot of old resort hotels also launch positive innovations. The innovative designs of the new resort hotels are inspired by the preferences of the new generation of tourists, so that the Asian tropical resort hotels quickly became the world's most exciting resort model and fashion icon, without a question.
  Resort hotels prevail by their professionalism, experience and motivation. "Resort" carries the expectations of the guests, and presents the pursuit of perfection for the hotel operators.
  For the common value in our hearts, and more happiness in life, we should always go for a vacation no matter how busy we are!
The Jaguar Suite The London Chic  除了富有歷史感的套房之外,酒店不乏现代感十足的创意套房。泰姬酒店集团与汽车品牌捷豹合作了全球首款也是唯一一款捷豹套房。这套170平米的双卧室套房由捷豹设计团队量身定制,通过真皮、金属和高光饰面等汽车材料的装饰,和以汽车为灵感的设计元素的点缀,呈现出一个活力十足的动感世界,时尚现代与历史文化合二为一的手法,将泰姬51白金汉门套房及公
上海萬达瑞华酒店的外观设计由担纲包括大英博物馆改造、首都国际机场新航站楼设计的Foster+Partners及Heatherwick Studio联合设计,概念时髦大胆。内部则由万达酒店设计研究院自主设计,以Art Deco为主要设计风格,将“白玉兰”、“苏绣”等海派元素恰如其分地融入,配合几十位中国当代艺术家创作的艺术品,在华丽典雅中,呈现出上世纪二十至三十年代上海风情。  酒店大堂层高达10米
The Embodiment Of Extravagance  Wanda Reign On The Bund,Shanghai  于去年在外灘正式亮相的上海万达瑞华酒店,开业至今,一直都是万众瞩目的焦点。万达豪掷万金的硬件配置和为中国高端客人度身打造的尊贵服务,在这里体现得淋漓尽致。  万达拥有四个自营酒店品牌:万达瑞华、万达文华、万达嘉华,以及万达锦华。万达瑞华是万达旗下最奢华的顶级品牌,而上
Dhoni Suites -The COMO Space And Individuality  沿著主岛南侧浅滩上蜿蜒的木栈桥,酒店仅有的33间水屋深入海上,最基本的房型是面积达75平米的多尼船套房。这是全马尔代夫唯一以当地渔船为灵感的水屋,船身由新西兰松木建造,覆盖拱形的茅草屋顶,船首进门,船尾露天甲板有直接通向大海的扶梯,供客人随心所欲地下海浮潜。  落地大窗朝向大海,打通了室内和室外的界限。
Luxurious Life Of The True Self In Seclusion  时尚而个性十足的140间客房,多数看得到迷人的海景。海拔高,酷得精美,任人们贪婪玩味,仿佛也只能品个一二。落日绯红,美得惊心动魄,将对于人间的留恋倾洒到蓝色海面,孕育出无尽情愁。坐在阳台椅子上,静静看着脚下的这光影动荡,无人打扰。  无论人们是结伴出行共同庆祝纪念日还是只是彼此花时间给对方而已,这儿都是颂扬
A Stunning Crossover  米兰阿玛尼酒店  Armani Hotel Milano  以高级时装享誉世界的阿玛尼品牌跨界酒店业,会呈现出怎样的作品呢?目前阿玛尼在全球开设了两家酒店,首家是栖身于全球最高建筑迪拜哈利法塔的迪拜阿玛尼酒店,第二家就是2011年底开业的位于时尚之都米兰的米兰阿玛尼酒店。  跨界的本质是创造,初衷是设计师对高品质生活的不懈追求。走进位于米兰“时尚四边形”
All-Inclusive Feast In Maldives  馬尔代夫艾茉菲尔酒店集团  Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts  极度依赖进口导致了马尔代夫物价的昂贵。这里奢华酒店客房Mini Bar的一包零食收费15美金,餐厅里点一道沙拉需要30美金,虽在情理之中,却无法让客人尽兴。  从2014年成立之初,艾茉菲尔度假酒店集团将“给予的乐趣”作为品牌核心价值,目前马尔代夫
Everything But The Snow  科倫坡瑞享酒店是科伦坡25年里首家全新的五星级酒店,坐拥开阔的空间以及印度洋全景的享受,已然成为科伦坡热情的绝佳展现之所。  科伦坡是一座活力四射、繁华热闹的魅力都城,殖民时期古建筑、商业高楼大厦、寺庙、教堂、街边摊贩和葱郁公园比肩而立,虽风格不同,却又奇异的和谐,科伦坡瑞享酒店就伫立其中。优越的地理位置展现了酒店在选址时的用心,在这里,不仅可以欣