
来源 :福建农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acb13202
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以不完全双列杂交设计配制的25个组合实生苗为材料,估算了10个甘蔗亲本的锤度及4个产量性状的gca和sea。结果表明,衡量蔗糖分的锤度遗传是亲本的加性效应,而衡量生长势的丛重遗传则取决于父本的加性基因效应。NCo 310作母本能将高糖特性传递给后代,崖64-389作父本有良好的糖分配合力,大茎野生种F_2杂种无性系崖73-226作父本,性状的配合力普遍良好。从高糖育种角度看,Co 419×崖64-389和NCo310×崖73-226的F_1群体表现最理想。本文还就野生血缘在甘蔗高糖育种中的利用进行了讨论,提出引进和利用大茎野生种的建议。 In this study, 25 combinations of seedlings were designed and constructed by incomplete diallel cross, and the gca and sea of ​​10 sugarcane parents’ brix and 4 yield traits were estimated. The results showed that the brix inheritance of sucrose was the additive effect of the parents, while the heredity of the weights of the growth potential was determined by the additive gene effect of the male parent. NCo 310 as a female parent can transfer high sugar properties to future generations. The parents of Cliff 64-389 had good sugar distribution and the male parent of F_2 hybrid clone Cliff 73-226, a large stem wild type, had a good combination of traits. From the perspective of high sugar breeding, F 41 population of Co 419 × Cliff 64-389 and NCo 310 × Cliff 73-226 performed the best. This article also discussed the utilization of wild blood sugar in sugarcane high sugar breeding and proposed the introduction and utilization of large stem wild species.