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2001年1月8日,全国旅游发展工作会议在北京胜利召开,对于进一步发展我国旅游业,特别是发展西部省(区、市)的旅游业必将产生积极的作用和深远的影响。随着西部大开发紧锣密鼓地开展,西部十省市纷纷把旅游业确定为自己的支柱产业。尤其是云南省早在1995年就正式将旅游业确定为四大支柱产业之一,为旅游业的快速、健康发展营造了优越的大环境。近年来,云南省旅游业发展势头迅猛,接待游客数量、旅游业总收入年均增长30%以上,旅游产业综合发展水平在全国每年攀升一个位次,现已雄居中西部省区之首,并逼近沿海发达地区水平,成为名副其实的旅游大省。那么,云南为什么要把旅游业确定为支柱产业?云南何以成为旅游大省?其中蕴含着哪些经济学、哲学、政治学、历史学和地理学道理呢?一、经济学思考调整和优化产业结构。80年代中期,烟草产业在 On January 8, 2001, the National Tourism Development Working Conference was successfully held in Beijing. It is bound to have a positive and far-reaching impact on the further development of China’s tourism industry, especially the development of tourism in the western provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). With the rapid development of the western region, ten western provinces and cities have identified tourism as their own pillar industry. In particular, Yunnan Province officially established tourism as one of the four pillar industries as early as 1995, creating a superior environment for the rapid and healthy development of the tourism industry. In recent years, the tourism industry in Yunnan has developed rapidly. The number of tourists receiving tourism and the total tourism revenue have increased by more than 30% annually. The comprehensive development level of the tourism industry has risen one place per year in the country, and now ranks first in the central and western provinces. Approaching the level of developed coastal areas, it has become a veritable tourism province. Then, why should Yunnan determine the tourism industry as a pillar industry? How can Yunnan become a major province of tourism? What are the principles of economics, philosophy, politics, history, and geography? First, think about economic adjustment and optimize industrial structure. . In the mid-1980s, the tobacco industry was
最近我老是失眠,母亲知道后,特地从乡下给我送来了满满一大袋子晒干的新鲜稗草籽。好久没见到这东西了,我立刻欣喜地解开袋子,凑上鼻子贪婪地闻着这稗草特有的清香,然后就迫不及待地把它们装入棉布枕袋,取代了床上的棉芯枕。  其实这稗草是危害农作物的杂草之一,它喜潮湿、温暖,耐干旱、盐碱,具有极其顽强的生命力,很难防除,但它却有一个独特的用处,那就是做枕芯。  记得那时候,母亲早晨总是趁太阳没出来之前就去田
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