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人才培养模式直接关系到所培养的各类人才的培养方式、构成比例、规格、目标和质量,进而关系到一个地区乃至一个国家的经济社会发展的速度、水平和质量。我国市场经济的飞速发展客观上促使了高职教育规模的壮大和质量的提高,但由于我国高等职业教育起步较晚,高职教育人才培养模式尚处在摸索、学习和研究阶段,因此,以科学发展观为统领,结合我国实际,借鉴、学习和研究国外发达国家相对成熟的高职教育人才培养模式,并最终探索和找到具有鲜明特色的、适合我国和不同地区经济社会发展现实以及预期需求的人才培养模式,不仅具有其理论意义,而且具有重要的实践意义。 The mode of personnel training is directly related to the training methods of all kinds of trained personnel and constitutes the proportions, specifications, goals and quality, which in turn is related to the speed, level and quality of economic and social development in a region or even a country. The rapid development of market economy in our country impels the growth of the scale of higher vocational education and the improvement of its quality objectively. However, as the higher vocational education in our country started relatively late, the training model of higher vocational education is still in the stage of exploration, study and research. Therefore, Scientific concept of development as the guide, combined with the reality of our country, learn from, study and study the relatively mature model of training higher vocational education in developed countries in foreign countries, and ultimately explore and find distinctive characteristics, suitable for China and different regions of the reality of economic and social development and the expected demand Of the personnel training mode, not only has its theoretical significance, but also has important practical significance.
1月.鑫. 200与.。加2005年9月份上海启用的新邮首日戳和纪念邮戳请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 January. Xin. 200 and .. Plus September 2005 Shanghai ena
钻杆,象其它机械零件一样,为了回转时平稳,需要进行润滑。金刚石钻进时主要用水并在水中加入各种润滑剂。但在漏失条件下,孔内无水或有坍塌情况时,则宜用钻杆润 Drill bars,
一、反射率R_φ公式垂直入射的直线偏光入射到非均质矿物光片上,当偏光振动方向与矿物主反射方向斜交时,此时的反射率R_φ的公式可根据图1导出如下 R_φ=R_2cos~2φ+R_1sin~
目的:比较急性前壁心肌梗死发病6h内急诊溶栓与急诊经皮冠状动脉介入(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)治疗方法的临床疗效及预后。方法:选择首次发病6h内急性前壁心
一、金刚石的一般特性:金刚石是目前已发现的物质中硬度最大的一种矿物,它是由“碳”元素组成,比重一般在3-3.56克/cm3之间; 其化学性质很稳定,在强的酸碱中皆不起作用;在空气