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无籽西瓜是用二倍体普通西瓜和四倍体少籽西瓜杂交获得的三倍体西瓜。这种三倍体西瓜种籽播种后长出的瓜苗雄花是不育的,其雌花经授粉结出的西瓜即为无籽西瓜。目前国内虽已育出七八个优良无籽西瓜品种(杂交组合),但由于存在着“三低一多”(制种产量低、种子发芽率低、成苗率低、畸形瓜多)的突出问题。因此,使大面积生产推广受到限制。我省前几年虽也引进试验,均因种子贵,育苗难,未能发展。针对上述问题,为了探索在四川生态条件下无将西瓜的丰产栽培技术。四川省农科院园艺种 Seedless watermelon is a triploid watermelon obtained by crossing diploid ordinary watermelon and tetraploid small-seeded watermelon. This triploid watermelon seed sown after planting melon male flowers are sterile, pollination of the female flower watermelon is knotted seedless watermelon. Although seven or eight excellent seedless watermelon cultivars (hybrid combinations) have been bred in China at present, due to the existence of “three low and one more” (low seed production rate, low seed germination rate, low seedling emergence rate and malformations) Outstanding issue. Therefore, the promotion of large-scale production is limited. Although our province a few years ago also introduced the test, because of the seed expensive, seedling difficult, failed to develop. In response to the above problems, in order to explore the ecological conditions in Sichuan without watermelon cultivation techniques. Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences horticultural species
内容摘要:《西洋杂志》以游记散文的方式记录了黎庶昌作为中国早期外交官在欧洲的见闻,由于这样的经历于当时具有初探性,故而其散文也就自然有新的特色来承担起这份初探性;然而中国传统文化的熏陶是黎庶昌及其同时代人的一大特征,故而,在《西洋杂志》中必然会出现新旧文风的交叠,这种交叠体现为他对桐城派散文创作的继承和革新。  关键词:西洋杂志 黎庶昌 桐城派 继承 革新  桐城派作为清代影响力最大的散文创作流派
如何有效地传授知识 ,引导学生对现实问题进行科学的分析与思考 ,培养学生的独立学习能力和创造能力是教学活动面临的新课题。针对环境艺术设计专业技术课程的设置 ,采用批判