The Financial Crisis and US Economic Hegemony

来源 :Contemporary International Relations | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hechangying1
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The US financial crisis and its result-a severe recession-are spreading quickly across the world.Why has the US,the head of the world economy,been hit so hard all of a sudden? Or is the US economy indeed suffering so much? What impact does the crisis have on the future of US economic hegemony? Or will the crisis considerably weaken the comprehensive strength of the US and thus change its relations with all other countries in the world? This essay analyses the economic situation of America from the perspectives of history and the angles of international politics,and pays special attention to the potential influence of the current crisis on the future of US economic hegemony and the international relations. The US financial crisis and its result-a severe recession-are spreading quickly across the world. Why has the US, the head of the world economy, been hit so hard all of sudden? Or is the US economy contributed to so much? What impact does the crisis have on the future of US economic hegemony? Or will the crisis of weaken the comprehensive strength of the US and thus change its relations with all other countries in the world? This essay analyzes the economic situation of America from the perspectives of history and the angles of international politics, and pays special attention to the potential influence of the current crisis on the future of US economic hegemony and the international relations.
李碧华,香港文坛大名鼎鼎的才女。 她才高艺广,行踪神秘,从不在大庭广众前抛头露面,坚持出书不公开照片、不安排签名售书,为此主动放弃了香港畅销书作家排行榜,被誉为港岛最神秘的女作家。在写作的30多年时间里,有百部作品问世,其中《胭脂扣》、《霸王别姬》、《纠缠》、《秦俑》、《诱僧》、《青蛇》等被改编成影视剧。这位名满天下的才女作家生活中为人低调,但活得分外逍遥,她的情感生活被自誉为“不劳而获,但快乐多
自从离开了央视厨艺节目《天天饮食》,刘仪伟先后到多家电视台做主持人。2007年刘仪伟更是忙得不亦乐乎,一边主持大型选秀活动“红楼梦中人”全国总决赛,一边忙着为星空卫视录制新节目《耍耍流星锤》,而且他还忙里偷闲,写电视剧本。继贺岁电影《爱情呼叫转移》大获成功后, 刘仪伟正在创作新剧本《有了》。自去年当上爸爸之后,刘仪伟自称对家庭有了更深的感情:“电视剧《有了》是记录女人怀孕过程的一个作品,因为我太太
2007年4月20日,第四届CCTV电视舞蹈大赛上,一名独臂女孩和一名独腿男孩,用“三只手加三只脚的组合”,演绎着自己的真实故事——《牵手》,他们表演得如诗如画,深深地震憾着全国亿万观众的心。独臂女孩就是本文主人公马丽,她曾经是一名快乐美丽的天使,但一场车祸意外折断了她飞翔的翅膀。在多年的苦难和挣扎中,她到底经历了怎样的辛酸坎坷和曲折心路?最后靠什么飞向了央视舞台和观众的心底?    J飞来横祸,