
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aujnqejbrob
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实践使我们体会到:依靠制度抓好基层民兵工作,在抓好人武部自身建设的同时,把基点打在抓基层上,把视角落在抓重点和难点问题上,才能真正加大对基层的领导力度。为此,我们制定了一整套操作性很强的抓基层建设的规章制度,用制度规定了机关职责,规范了基层工作。从而形成了完整的抓基层运行机制,对推动基层向经常化、制度化、规范化发展,起到了积极的促进作用。 我们在制度的制定上,注意结合本地特点和工作实际,坚持实效第一的原则,既遵循基层工作的发展规律,又密切联系党委机关抓基层的范围和职能,逐步建立和完善以下五项制度: 双重领导制度。地方党委、政府和武装部门对基层建设的双重领导,主要做到“四个坚持”:一是坚持人武部第一书记和基层党委书记每月一次到市人武 Practice has enabled us to realize that relying on the system to do a good job at the work of grass-roots militia and at the same time grasping the building of the militia and armed forces themselves, we should focus on the grass-roots level and focus on the key and difficult issues so as to truly increase the leadership at the grassroots level Strength. To this end, we have formulated a set of highly operational rules and regulations for grassroots construction, formulated the duties of the organs and standardized the work at the grassroots level. Thus, a complete grass-root operation mechanism has been formed, which has played a positive role in promoting the grassroots to a more regular, institutionalized and standardized development. In formulating the system, we should pay attention to the principle of combining actuality with the local characteristics and the actual conditions of work, and not only follow the law of development at the grass-roots level, but also closely contact the Party organizations with the scope and functions of grass-roots units and gradually establish and perfect the following five systems : Dual leadership system. Local party committees, the government and the armed forces should give priority to “four persistence” in the dual leadership of grassroots construction: First, insist that the First Secretary of the People’s Armed Police Department and the secretary of the grassroots party committee go to the Municipal People’s Army once a month
农贸市场从早到晚热闹非凡,就在转角处,有一家“小小点心店”。你还别看店面小,名字也不响亮,可是品种不少:“芙蓉海棠糕”、“水晶梅花包”、“白糖板油饼”、“紧酵肉馒头”……件件点心做工独到,色味兼备。加上店主王小二为人活络,会做生意,所以“小小点心店”名声却是大大的。  小店生意兴隆,人手不够,小二就把高中刚毕业没考上大学的外甥刘小明拉来做了帮手。  刘小明虚龄十七,稚气未脱,一副顽皮相,一双忽闪忽