
来源 :计算机自动测量与控制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laopengyou123
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本文详细描述了保温冷藏汽车性能试验自动化测试系统之一──厢内总传热系数测试的组成部分、测试原理,并给出了详细的工作框图和软件流程图。文章最后指出,尽管本文是针对厢内总传热系数测试而言的一套数据采集集散系统,但该系统的结构和思路同样适用于其它实际需要进行数据采集的场合。 This paper describes in detail one of the components of the total heat transfer coefficient test in the car, the principle of the test, and gives a detailed working block diagram and software flow chart. Finally, the article points out that though this article is a set of data acquisition and distribution system for the total heat transfer coefficient test in a car, the structure and concept of the system are also applicable to other situations where data collection is actually needed.
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