Riding the Dragon into 2012

来源 :China Today | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjfandhf
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China’s Central Economic Work Conference discusses what the Year of the Dragon holds in store for the domestic economy THE annual Central Economic Work Conference (CEWC) has always been considered an influential forum at which the following year’s macroeconomic policy is discussed and decided. Economic forecasts given at this conference tend to be dead on the mark,and at this year’s event the buzzwords doing the rounds were “stability” and “progress.” China’s Central Economic Work Conference discusses what the Year of the Dragon holds in store for the domestic economy THE annual Central Economic Work Conference (CEWC) has always been considered an influential forum at which the following year’s macroeconomic policy is discussed and decided. at this conference tend to be dead on the mark, and at this year’s event the buzzwords doing the rounds were “stability ” and “progress. ”
横琴新区成立近4年之际,这片位于珠海市南的昔日荒岛,如今正马不停蹄地昼夜施工。从珠海市区进入横琴的唯一通道,是一座全长1425米的横琴大桥,桥头两边正在修建进出横琴的二线关口,不远处的十字门人工岛也已经挖出了河道的模样,就连横琴镇主干道旁边的宾馆、酒店等建筑外墙也开始了穿衣戴帽式美化,到处一片如火如荼的开发建设景象。  “习近平总书记就在展览馆的位置讲了十几分钟。”9月17日,中交集团(珠海横琴)
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她曾经是一位很有前途的游泳运动员;也曾经梦想成为一流的演奏家;但19岁这一年,她却成为“第七届世界旅游小姐大赛”中最璀灿的一颗东方之星,冉冉升起…… She used to be a