Influence of consumption experiences on customers' satisfaction: an empirical study on fresh fa

来源 :Methods & Empirical Study | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:magicMan555
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Which factors influence customers' satisfaction? Which way or path does each factor influence and decide customers' satisfaction? These problems are the focuses of the research on customers' satisfaction.This paper analyzes the survey data from some customers in the fresh farm food supermarket of Wuhan City with factor analysis method,multiple linear regression method,etc.The analysis results reveal that: 1) the consumption experiences decide customers ' satisfaction degree through influencing the customers' expectation and the perceived performance,namely the consumption experiences is the important factor which decides customers' satisfaction; 2) the consumption experiences that influence customers' satisfaction is a multi-dimensional construct,including such four dimensions as product consumption experience,service experience,shopping convenience experience,supermarket environment experience; furthermore,the degree that different consumption experiences influence customers' satisfaction is diverse,and the product consumption experiences are the most important factor.This paper is of realistic significance to a certain extent to enrich the theoretical research on customers' satisfaction and promote the practice of agricultural product marketing.
史无前例的“文化大革命”在当代中国文艺史上造成了10年的黯淡。在这凄凉长夜中,也曾露过曙色;在这萧索的荒漠中,也曾显现绿洲。这曙色和绿洲,就是1975年的文艺调整。 1975
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